♥Saturday, November 04, 2006
Haha, I apologise for the incredibly cliched post title - I was just trying to think of what clever witty name i could put there that would make people stop and go "Wow, she's good!" when i realised that it probably wasn't going to happen and not to waste my amazingly precious time (*insert snort here*) on something as invaluable as the title of a post. As soon as I thought that though, the hesitant half-insecure, half-cocky question reserved for the morning-after: "So... was it good for you too?" shot through my head and da-da-dum! There you go ;)
Hmm. So, what can I say now that my oh-so-impressive start of my first ever ramble (on this blogsite at least hehe! ^_~) is now over. I suppose i could be incredibly unoriginal and introduce myself to anyone who's reading this, but chances are if you know me in person, you'll already know as much about me as I want you to know - so no suprises there. For those who don't know me though, I think it'd be more interesting for you to make up your mind about me through the occaisional random stutters of my cluttered mind lol.
So yeah, if I haven't already scared you off... Hi :) and welcome to my messy black penthouse.
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?1:07 am