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♥Saturday, December 23, 2006

Oh my god. Was reading through my past posts and have just realised that at the rate i'm going, by the time i return to singapore, i'm gonna be fat! Haha... eating so much nice things that can't be good for my health =_=

But it's all so yummy tho. xP

Oh, also i apologise for the general crudeness of my last-day-at-school post. xP I don't usually blog like that. xP

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?4:15 am

Wekekes... todae, i did... nothing! LOL hehe. Woke up relatively late this morning (9ish) after getting distracted by an amazing fic last night and sleeping really late xP... Was a bit funny this morning, rolled over in bed, looked at the clock still kind of sleepy =_=" thanked god for the curtains that I have over my room windows in Oman that i don't have in Singapore xPP then rolled over again and tried to go back to sleep...

... EXCEPT i got distracted by the smell of my mum cooking breakfast in the kitchen just down the hall from my room... *mmm* i could smell bacon, eggs, baked beans, hash browns and potato waffles... is it any wonder i couldn't sleep?? Hehe... this is what i've missed in sg - yummy home cooked food! Hawker centre/food court/fast food does get boring and unappealing after awhile T_T =_="

So i grabbed the lappy and lay on my stomach on my bed quarter surfing the net, quarter chatting, quarter reading some more of that brilliant fic and quarter writing some of my own stuff! hehe... the wonders of multi-tasking huh? lucky we girls are so efficient at it ^_~

By the time my popa shouted that breakfast/brunch was ready I was almost drooling at the mouth xDD it smelled so good!!

...and it tasted even better than it smelled...

*moans a bit at the memory*

Then got a sms to go watch Happy Feet at 3:30pm. Thought 'why not?' - it's a very cute film! ^^ You know me and cute films! Hehe... anyway, went to the cinema with my bro and met up with our friends... only to find out that my brother's gf had gotten the times mixed up so the only other showtime for Happy Feet was 5:30pm! Haha! Anyway, we stood around debating what to do (go get ice-cream, go bowling, go PDO or watch another film instead). Finally decided to go get some ice-cream, then to go bowling.

Now here's something about me. Me + bowling = oil + water. We don't mix xPP haha... In case you don't get it; i don't like bowling. In fact, most of the time i positively hate it. xPP wierd huh? well that's me. xPP I do disliked things occaisionally you know? xx

So... went home instead. My bro, his gf and their friends went to go bowling, while I waited for my dad to come pick me up with my friends (who were trying to decide what to do themselves haha, turns out they din want to go bowlign either)... made me realise how much i hate not having public transport here +_+. So bloody difficult and inconvenient.

Bought coffee from Second Cup on the way home then latched onto the lappy again to carry on my writing. I also found this really really amazing song that I've been listening to on repeat now (and you'll probably notice that the music on my blog has suddenly changed... ^_~) Hahas... then around 6ish my parents came into my room to ask me if I wanted to go CC with them to pick up my brother's pressie from yestd and again, I thought "why not?"

On the car ride down... spent the entire journey staring out of the window, listening to Break of Dawn, Fields of Innocence (both Evanescence), Sonny (Funernal For a Friend) and El Beso Del Final (Chris. A) thinking of my story, walking through and fabricating the history of my character in my head trying to keep track of dates and imp milestones that should evolve his character. Complicated business that is, trying to fit everything into your head and keep it relatively un-jumbled up. xPP the music helps me to concentrate (no, they're not depressing songs! xP)

Went to Carrefour again, bought the Blackadder box set for my bro and spotted Jarhead too. My rents bought it for him as well, but they're goingto save it for his bday present xP he's getting wa-ay too many xmas pressies this year xPP... it's depressing xP lol. I bought myself a magazine and bumped into Dan at the paying counter. Hehe! I hadn't noticed him ^^... we chatted for a bit then i paid and went to meet up with my parents.

We then went to Santinos for dinner. (Yummy italian place). Oh god, anything related to food here is all yummy la xP... i ate this creamy penne pasta with chicken nd mushrooms, nicked some of my dee's seafood salsa pasta-rice type thing and shared grilled potatoes with onion gravy avec ma mutti.

Then came home again.
Now I'm contemplating sleep ^_~

I still have a mail to my half to finish though.
Hmm... *feels guilty* hehe. I'll finish it tmr I promise, GG! wubs ya babe nd i missshhhyyyaa awot. xPP *looks pathetic* lol...

My bed calls. xP (no, miraculously, i'm not on it!)

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?3:45 am

♥Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hey all! ^_^

Went to city centre with the whole family today since it was the weekend. Hehe was pretty good. Before we went down, peanut and I went down to the dive centre to pick up our permanent dive passes, but for some reason mine's been sent to some other alternate address so they didn't have it xPP bloody annoying. xx instead, they gave me this slip of paper thingy and told me that i could use it as a substitute pass if i wanted to dive. Getting a replacement card would cost around 20/30 RO =

By the time we reached CC, it was past lunch time and we went to Chili's for lunch ^^ was great... i couldn't decide what to choose, there was so much nice stuff!... yummy stuff ^_~ we ordered this really nice plate of home-style fries covered with cheese and mini mince-beef things in ranch saunce with sour-cream nd onion type dip.... gorgeous! anyway i had a ranch bbq burger which was way too massive (even bigger than Carl Junior's stuff! +_+) hehe... and my mutti gave me her corn on the cob which was amazingly yummy ^^ soft and juicy with lots of salt and pepper... and i had a pina colada... gawd... ohhh i love pina coladas! i love i love i love! hehe...

After that, me nd my parents went to Carrefour (i wanted to get some movies/cds) while my brother went to the arcade. Was actually helping the rents to look for the Blackadder box set for peanut but we couldn't find it. The half way through my bro came back and we had to stop looking. Hehe, we then got all excited by the movies and chose three movies to buy to keep in Oman (The Island, Pirates of the Caribbean I and II). Then my brother pointed out a couple of games he wanted from the game section and after he'd walked away, my dad and I bought 2 of them for him xP (yes, i spent *more* money on him xP) anyway, when i met up with my bro, we picked up the Godfather for my dad. Wahaha then i guilt-tripped my dad for spending 20RO more on my bro and not on me (and i think cause i've been away from everyone for the past 4 months, my family's all being really really nice to me) ^^ and [=o] he offered to buy me 20RO worth of watever i wanted hehe. I chose DVDs ^^... hehe now I have Raise Your Voice, Elizabethtown, Pirates of the Caribbean I and STEP UP!!!! yay! ^^

After our massive spending spree, pea and I went to the arcade where we played time crisis 4 and house of the dead 3... all nice nice tho the house of the dead shotgun was heavy and made my arm hurt after awhile.

Thennn bought jamoca ice cream ^^ ooh... really indulging today xPP hehe... and finally went home. On the car ride home... i got this great idea for one of my fanfics! yay! so happy now... i'll be writing it out latr xD...

Tomorrow me and my ma have to go back to City Centre to go pick up the Blackadder DVD set thingy (i asked the attendant lady this afternoon but she said that the barcodes for all the sets had been inaccurately labelled or something similar so we have to go back tomorrow if we want to buy it...) sucky. =_="

Hmm... have just talked to da for the first time since... well awhile (well it seems liek so long oredi for me xP) and hmm... well it was kind of wierd, maybe a bit awkward? i dunno... all i noe is i still miss him a lot xP... and I hate it when i fight with people. xx...

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:49 pm

Back from MQ. I totally forgot how many hormone ridden teens hung around that area haha. Saw a couple of yr 8s smoking shisha -- were we that young when we started smoking shisha and cigarettes? I don't ever remember being that young! lol xP it's hard to imagine. xP but at the rate they're all going in oman, they'll all be dead from some kind of unhealthy smoke inhalation whether it's first or second hand xPP.

I still can't believe that some of the guys from my year smoke cigars xP

Aniwae was great seeing Tasha again ^^. I now also have an invite to some new year party from some people i don't even really know lol, but i might go depending on whether or not my friends go xP haha it might even be fun! =o LOL.

I've been sorting through my gmail inbox and have just realised that it was around september when I kind of lost contact with most of my friends in oman and stopped exchanging those long email type things we'd had going on. Eee, and it was all my fault too. xP T_T =_=" Felt really bad and really guilty.


Sorry guys +_+ i officially hang my head in shame. Promise not to do that again this time when i go back after the hols. Seriously, i swear. And if i do, you all have permission to whelp me with a fish (and you all noe how much i hate those smelly things from the fish market near the souq xPP).

I've now replied ever mail that i hadn't replied (I'd marked the mail as unread to remind me to reply to them but i never really got round to doing it which is why i had like 13 unread mails in my inbox, like permanently xPP and which is also the reason why today i finally decided to sort through my inbox and find out where those 13 unread mails were from xx -- i apologise. really. --)


Now i'm looking through myspace comments to look for a pretty christmas comment to spam everyone with. ^^


[For some wierd reason i now have this song that i used to play on my flute in my head. maybe it's cause i'm staring at my music stand opposite my bed now that i'm back in my old room.

Are you going to Scarborough fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She was once a true love of mine.

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?2:24 am

♥Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hmmpf... larhdidadida... wat did I do today? wells, i woke up really really early for some reason this morning xPP (no s'not jet lag, i don't get jet lag...) anyway i sort of snuggled into my duvets and sunk myself into this brilliant fanfic (which i still haven't finished yet xP.. see? it's sitting there tempting me hehes). Aniwae, about 9ish i went to grab myself some brekkie (haha my whole family tends to sleep in a bit =D - we're all pigs! ^^)

Yummy blueberry bagels and peanut-butter-and-jam toast ^^ (oh how i've missed toast xP i don't have a toaster in sg, only a little microwave/oven/toaster/heater thing which i use in an attempt to toast the bread).

Mutti and I had a lonnggg talk after brekkie and some unexpected things were said (and yes, we didn't fight once [=o] it's wierd, when i was in sg, every time we spoke on the phone, we ended up fighting. I've now been back for four days and we haven't fought once! Aniwae, i kind of got the feeling that my mutti (well parents) think that i'm actualli growing up and that they're going to give me space to... well to be me, during the convo. I won't go into specifics, but it was a nice talk. ^^

After lunch we went out to City Plaza to do some mother-daughter bonding over shopping! Hehe it was great... ohh how i've missed that place. I lub city plaza ^^ lub it lub it lub it! Yes, i noe i sound really sad at the mo xP but i don't care. ^^ We ended up buying lotsa stuff (including a sweat for my dad which was pink and fuzzy! ~~our best buy hehe!)

Now i'm waiting for the Papa John's we ordered to be delivered before i'm out to meet tasha nd michie nd them all at MQ. Hopefully it shuld be good ^^

Half emailed me tdae abt her probs nd stuffs (i called her wen i was at CP cors i got worried abt her xx) it was great hearin her voice agn ^^ miss my half a lott... (hope ur kk hun... takkaires okie?)

Foods arrived... I'm off now^^

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:26 pm

I just came back from PDO and all i have to sae is i love:

+ really strong cold winds
+ attempting to swim in a really rough sea at night
+ my bikini and board shorts
+ wierding out smaller kids from inside a pool by laughing at the suggestive comments we're saying to them cause they don't get it
+ my fluffy messy hair after swimming flying around like cotton candy in the wind!
+ big lesbian puppy piles with muh girlfriends ^_~
+ i-pod speakers
+ most of Justin Timberlake's new album (surprisingly)
+ halfpipes

And now i'm a bit tired so i think i'll go off to bed xP

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?2:49 am

♥Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Went to school todae... It was kinda half great, half wierd to go back. I can't believe I spent 11 years of my life there! So many memories everywhere xPP. Anyway, when my mutti dropped me nd pea off, Gray was waitin for me haha, she acc me up to the main office where i culd sign in as a visitor and get my tacky badge thingy =DD then we went to the common room.

Wahaha everything basically looked the same as i remembered except the corridor outside the art department has now been sealed and made into an extension of the art dept, there's new building for the english and maths dept and another new building in the primary area - apparently some singing building for the nursery kids. ^^

Went in and met up with all my friends - it was wierd being crammed in there with the other sixth formers hehe... seems like so many people are now in 6th form! ^^

Then after the bell, went to form class (yay, Mr Gibbons! ^^ nice to see my old form tutor agn hehe...) the class felt kinda odd to me cause a lot of the kids i used to noe have all moved/left and a few new kids had joined the class, along with some other students from diff classes (eg. like how carrie moved over from JW class). There I met Daniel haha. ^^ He's not bad lookin i guess, kinda cute! (apparently very big headed tho haha... he seemed nice tho ^_^)

Also saw Sean C (not cowell, the othr one) and i have to sae... very hot xPP yeah... heck if all the guys frm scotland are lyk that... well you all know where i'll be going! ^_~ nah jokes... but he is so hot and yes, he dus have a great ass!~~ lol. He luks a bit like Cowell, who i've alwais thought was kinda cute (cowell's grown! xPP he looks really fit now xPP) lol

Then we went up to TW class so sum of my frens culd give xmas pressies to some of my othr frens... on e way, i met Hafren and she's really friendly! she gave me this nice hug nd told me it was nice to meet me ^^. Hmm, anyway then found out that hannah's takin part in this yr's Stars in Their Eyes comp thing.... great! jia you! ^^

We were queuing to get in for the comp when i ran in Amy! Hey lil sis! ^^ she luks gorjus ^^. Then Tim tapped me on the shoulder and he was like "hey! I like your hair - it's so sexy!" *feels good* hehe yay. Then i saw Calum and I went over to give him a hug - man he's grown so much! And his voice has gone so low! ^^ my little awesum redhead ^_~

After that the comp started nd we all went into the sports hall (haha i never believed that the main hall wuld be too small! xPP) and it was great!! haha cliched, corny, and fun! ^^ Mr Wier did all the commentary and he was hilarious as usual xP. For the first half, Andy was sitting somewhere near in front of my and I kept havign the temptation to yank a bit on his really cute tiny ponytail thing! it was so gorgeous my fingers kept itching to yank it haha! Anyway, there was this bit when Mr W asked for a joke from each year, yr 7, yr 8, yr 9 and finally yr 10 then after yr 10 he decided to stop cause he was like "any higher and the jokes are all gonna be disgusting and perverted" kind of thing haha. It was hilarious. (If i was still in Oman I'd now be in yr 12 =D)

Mohammed did the yr 10 joke: What did the constipated mathematician do?
Took a pencil and worked it out! LMAO! haha.

Halfway through that Andy suddenly turned around and told us one of his jokes:
What does Michael Jackson and Santa Claus have in common?
They both bring joy to children from empty sacks! Jeez! lol, haha, we all burst out laughing. LOL.

Anyway, in short, i never really knew that so many of the teachers were talented xPP. And the students too for that matter haha! OMG. Joey! Lol, he was fkin hilarious. He did 2 performances, and in the second one lol it was so funny! all the guys in the band came out wearing things like open vests with slow slung jeans so you could see their bare chests (Harry, Sean and ALI (sp?) = oh so HAWT! bloody hell... lol) and then Joey came out... haha in black and white striped TIGHTS with a bare chest! lol and you could see the LUMP in his crotch! LMAO! all of us were freakin laughin our heads off, esp since he kept turning sideways at a certain agle against the light that only seemed to make the lump stick out more haha. I got a really funny foto of it haha.

After his performance, he stuck his hands down his tights and everyone was like "jesus, YUCK!" but then he took out his little crotch cap thingy (i can't rmb wat they're called) and chucked it into the crowd lol. Straight after that Sean did the same thing with his and it landed on Carrie. LOL. We were all like "shit Nim shoulda come in todae!" she would have been able to see Joey practically with no clothes on (and btw jst as a note, i had no idea he had a six pack! *mouth falls open* i would nevr have guessed xPP)

Aniwaeee.... Hannah, Hafren, Dini nd Michie's group (CHERISH) WON (well tied) the student competition! It was amazing. Sean Blake's band tied with them, but it was so sweet ^^ Sean B's grp did The Calling, and he has a really good voice. Anyway, it was like he was singing to Sarah the whole song and he walked to the back where she was sitting and actually *sang* to her in front of everyone! So sweet! ^^ Then near the end of the song he took out this rose and gave it to her... awww.... so so sweet!~~ *hearts*

Mr G, Mr English, Mr Ahmed, Mr Reeves and Mr Fenton did WESTLIFE agn =_=" but they're not bad singers i have to sae... and they won the overall award! ^^ amazing! ^^

The whole thing was so much fun xPP

After school, me, gray, liss, bean, carrie, hannah and char walked to Pizza Hut (agn xPP) for lunch. On the way I met Gen (again!) haha, but this time i recognised her ^^ she was wit her phil frens... made me think of gg, luv, sarky, val nd all em xPP

We ate loads nd loads haha (cept for char of cors xPP) nd spent ages just chattin around nd havin a larf... omg haha i completely forgot how dirty minded nd perverted all my frens are haha... damn... ^^ it was like some dirty joke or suggestive comment practically after every other sentence - god how i've kind of missed that ^^

And i still think that Gra has smth goin on for daniel xPP hehe

We went to Al Fair so that Carrie could go buy some candy canes (yes, i seduced her with mine haha) and we went to go check out the DVDs... OC season 3 box set for only RO25!!!! wahahaha... bought it as my mutti's xmas pressie to me xPP now i can find out how marissa dies =D (yes, i dun like her... u all guessed it xP she's such a brat xP).

Anyway, after we hung around the area where gray char bean and I once did this crazy whipped cream thing where we bought a can of whipped cream (it was really really hot then) and our challenge was to liek finish it before the heat could melt it, me and char ate the most of it xPP we sprayed it directly into our mouths and like just let it slide down our throats haha... i think there are sum funny pics of it somewhere. but by the end of the can, the cream inside had melted to whast was spurting out was kind of gooey gunky liquid stuff haha. disgusting xPP

But, no we didn't do that this time... we just hung around, sat on the steps and chatted. About everything. Haha. How come Gray's the universal flirt but Carrie's the one tht eveyone thinks is a lesbian. There was this really funny bit where i think me nd gray were hugging or smth and suddenly everyone was like "Grace, did u just liek touch val's crotch?" LMAO. haha she was like "no!" but i think it prolly looked like that to everyone. lol we were all in stitches laughing our asses off.

The whole day was just a big laugh and lots of fun xPP

And now I'm goign to PDO with them at 6.
Apparently Grace wants to see me in a bathing suit.
She yelled it across half the car park lol.
Haha *rolls arnd on the floor*

I should be off now, I'm supposed to clean up my room and unpack my luggage and stuff before i can go xP

God, I can't believe i'm still smiling over my dai - even now xPP


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?8:10 pm

♥Monday, December 18, 2006

Had coffee with Bean! Wahey! ^^ I missed her so much xPP didn't realise just how much till we were actually hanging out at Second Cup like we used to! I had something called an Iced Cinnamon Macchiato thingy ma-bobby. Can't really remember what it was called - the names are all too fancy +_+ hehe... but it tasted gud and that's all that matters ryt?

Wahaha we were drinking our drinks outside, sitting on the wall watching the other customers sitting outside and the cars passing by when we heard this really loud rumbling engine. I turned around expecting to see a flashy sports car. LOL. Instead we saw this really old really dirty jeep that was definitely in need of a change of engine hehe. It was hilarious ^^

We walked into CCC and saw these really really cute reindeer/xmas theme stuffed toys hehe very very tempted to buy for a fren hehe, but didn't in the end. Then we went to one fo the card shops (bloody hell! they're charging buckets for a few cards xPP) and we spent ages laughing at these particular stuffed toys with really scary large eyes haha... so freaky! ))x i definitely wuldn't want one in my room when i was tryin to get to sleep hehe. Also took a photo of the crazy/cute/scary stuffed toy with tiny wonky eyes and a hu-uge belly hehe. Wahaha... i almost died laughing hehe (sorry i can't post the picture up cause I have no way to get the piccy off my fone and onto the lappy cause i forgot to bring bak the software to install xPP... dumb dumb ryt?? xPP). So cute! Haha and funny! keke ^^

Now i'm smelling the delicious cooking of my mutti. And damn if i'm not watering at the mouth xPP hehe can't wait for dinner - should be great!

Am now laughing with my brother at the antics of Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean 2 ^^ good lord i love that guy xDD... so hilarious:

"NO no i can't leave without Jack!" (Orlando Bloom)
*Sees rabid crowd of angry islanders suddenly flooding the beach towards them*
"Ok never mind, let's go!"


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:56 pm

Anddd i'm back again! ^^. Decided not to go in for the ceremony presentation thing for GCSE students in the end. I hate ceremoies like that xP all the stuff they say is always hypocritical bullsh*t and stuffs... Can't stand it. Also heard from my brother afterwards that some of the other ex-BSM students who went, they didn't actually prepare the awards for them (Jan nd Nim) so they just sat thru the ceremony... which i guess kinda sucks if you went there nd thought you'd be receiving an award too but then ended up jst watchin ur friends getting them xPP

Was supposed to go eat yummy club sandwich at Golden Gates but then when we reach there after pickin up pea from school, the chef was off so nutin to eat xP. Then we went to the Golf Club at PDO to go eat garlic prawns and club sandwich but place was closed. Argh ryt?? In the end went to the PDO coffee shop and ate honey-glazed sesame chicken wings *Mmm...* hehe ^^

Came bak and watched sum movies, surfed the net... just basically slack and relax! ^^ so good ^^

Now am makin plans to meet Bean later for coffeeee! ^^ Yay yay. Then my ma is cooking her very very very yummy duck which i have missed a lot xP (hehe yes i am going to gain a lot of weight during my 2 week stay here =D)

I'm going to go into school tomorrow ^^ It'll be the last day of term so that should be fun! They're apparently doing the --stars in your eyes-- theme thing again which should be great haha. Was funny the last time we did that keke.

Also I shuld be able to meet up with Michie nd Tasha (babe!!!! ur back!!!) as well which is fkin awesum... i luv meetin up with Tashz everytym she comes bak ^^ (i din get her an xmas pressie tho =_=")... ahaha it's been great seeing every1 agn... ^^

*squees* hehe ^^

Haha i was nagging him to update his bloggy so i decided i should play fair and update mine. I love reading his blog ^^ nd noeing that he reads mine too ((x ... actualli, i've only been here like wat, 3 dais now? i oredi miss him a lot ^^. All those long toks on e fone? hehe nd msn at work? ^^ keke. stupid boi xPP can't wait to see him wen i go bak (hopefully in tym for his bdae hehe... flight back still not confirm yet =_=")...

aniwae... that's all for now! updatey over!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?9:10 pm

♥Sunday, December 17, 2006

Wahaha. Back again... so soon hor? ^_~ lol... went to meet my frens for Nim's bdae in the end - din feel too sick ^^

Went a bit early cause had to get a lift from my ma who was pickin peanut up frm school, so we went to KFC first.

When i got out of e car there was a group of Fillipino kids (teens la xPP) hangin arnd outside Starbucks, they kept starin at me but i din recognise any of em so i thot maybe they were staring at my clothes or hair or summat lol.

When my frens arrived, i walked over to Stabucks and again i could feel them staring at me xPP then suddenly one of the girls was like "Hey valerie!" I was. Holy daym, i must noe them! lol. Felt very stupid nd very blur cause i culdn't evn recognise the girl who knew me *embarassed* lol. I kinda stared at them a bit then at the girl and was finally like "are you sarkis's sis?" cause she looked a bit like. She sed 'no', but then said "wah, you remember my brother but dun remember my name?" so again was confused hehe.

Then was almost knocked over by one of my frens who'd seen me from inside Starbucks and had come outside to save me say hello. hehe. My gorgeous Gracie ^^ i love her lots ^^. Haha, then everybody started coming outside so i was saved from embarassment by having to admit i didn't noe who the fillipino girl was =$ and we had a huge hug thing outside (cept for liss who had to hold down her skirt in the wind haha)

It was great seeing them all again ^^

Nim had also cut her hair (can't believe she's 17 now! so old! ^_~) she luks vair pretty ^^. Wahaha we took some fotos (hilarious one of bean drinkin haha ^^... carrie's a great photographer LOL =D) then we went to pizza hut where we basically took more photos and gosspied A LOT. haha. It was great ^^

I was planning to go into school on the last day (mufti day haha!) but i might go in tmr as well for a bit cause apparently there's some kind of ceremony for the GCSE students who passed (damn right that's me! ^_~ lol) so i might go in for that ^^ Dunno yet ^^

Heard a lot about hot guys in school haha. Can't wait to see em LOL. ^_~ damn... how come all of them only appeared after i left?? keke...

Aniwae, it's been a gud dai so far ^^
I'm off to watch some TV and write some more xmas cards now...


It's great being back ^^

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?7:57 pm

beunos chikas ^^

harlowss... I'm now in oman! wow. yeah. Hehe... Cor, it's wierd to be back. I didn't miss my flight in the end xD hehe so no need to worry...

actually reached yestd. had this huge hug-fest at the airport with mes parents who came to pick me up (yay!). funny as hell tho cause my dad didn't recognise me when i walked thru the sliding doors haha. He stared at me waving at him cause he had no idea who i was! LOL, my mutti had to nudge him very gently (not) with her elbow before he did like the tiny tenetative wave thingy. Then when they actually met up with me it was obvious he still didn't quite believe tht i was his daughter. Haha, it was hilarious.

I guess it's cause since the last time i saw him, i've cut my hair, streaked it with purple, punched a hole thru my nose and changed my dress style a bit. Hehe. ^^ Ya, that's me. keke.

hmm, aniwae, me nd my ma went to school to pick up my lil bruv. It was really wierd being back. I'm not used to travelling arnd by cars animore after all the public transport in sg. It was also kinda wierd seeing some new buildings and stuffs suddenly sprung up in different places. And it was definitely very wierd to go back to school even though i didn't actually go in. Still looks the same from the outside. For just one moment, i felt like i was just going to school in the morning like i used to with some overdue essay or smth due in and still uncompleted. Haha, yeah that was the kind of student i used to be. xPP

was also veri wierd to see my bro again. he now looks incredibly KOREAN! lol. i think it's the longish hairstyle he has. very much like shin's from goong. It was decidedly odd. kinda ran out of the car to give him a hug when i saw him ^^ missed hugging my bro xPP he's also grown taller xPP (yet again lol) we then all went to Starbucks and flopped down into the comfy seats. Wow, i've missed starbucks xPP (lol outta my budget in sg xD).

vanilla frappe (avec caramel) nd cinnamon roll... *mmm* yums ^^

then we went back home. man... peanut did a great job decorating the house for xmas! ^^ and the xmas tree was vair vair pretty ^^ must take fotos ^^ hehe. He'd also hung lotsa bits of mistletoe eveywhere haha and joked that i shoulda brought my boyfriend/a guy friend home. HAHA. very funny xPP lol.

he then got incredibly excited cause i unpacked all the pressies from my luggage and we did this tradtion thing where we separated all the pressies into little piles according to who they're from... of course he had the biggest pile ^_~ hehe. then he re-arranged all of them very prittily under the tree once more. haha. now i can't wait for xmas (even tho i noe wat most of my pressies are lol =/ seeing as i had to wrap them up myself *sniff nd feels pathetic* lol...)

felt kinda tired and still pretty sick so mee nd peanut insisted that I go to sleep. We were supposed to go out for dinner at some fancy resto and stuffs to celebrate me being back, but...

I slept from around 5pm till 8am this morning! Arghhh! I actually slept thru dinner xPP I don't think i've slept that long in... well ever!

But i felt a lot better when I woke up. Laughed a lot tho cause I'd fallen aslp with my make up on and wax still in my hair, so when i looked in the mirror, my hair was standing straight upa nd sticking out in all directions. My eyeliner had also smudged in dark rings around my eyes. wahaha, i looked like i'd just been in a bad fight. hehe. ^^

Then this morning, me nd my mutti went out to Glacier (ohh man i've missed that place!) for scrumpilicious strawberry waffles with fresh cream und 2 scoops of ice cream. deliciously redundant ^^

Also bought some xmas cards ^^ (will give some to my frens here and the rest to speshal ppl in singapore who i miss a lotta lot xPP - the cards will be late tho as i dun trust the oman post to not lose them somehow, so i'll bring them back by hand ^^)

Later I'll be going out to Starbucks again (unless i really am too sick xPP) to meet a few of my frens to celebrate Naomi's bdae (she came back as well!) yay! ^^

And... Da sez he's had a wacky idea for another surprise! Haha... ^^ yay!

But... that's all for now! ^^
Update again latr!


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?4:18 pm


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*Carrie II
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*Zhong Ren



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