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♥Friday, December 01, 2006

OMG... it's the first of December already!

Christmas is coming!
Christmas is coming!
Christmas is coming!

^^ Yes, I'm a dork about Christmas hehe.
I can't believe it's December already.
I've now been in Singapore four and a half months. (Well two months by myself since my family left and not counting the holidays we had =D hehe)

I'm leaving for Oman on the 15th!
I'll see my friends and family again!

But I'll miss the new friends and family that I have here now...

But I'll be back...!

Lol yes, I have gone a tad loopy.

It's amazing what lack of sleep and a really good song can do to you ^_~

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?2:33 am

Heyy ^^

Sorri it's been quite a bit since my last update (seeing as I was updating almost every day =D) but not that much has happened since my last post lol.

Well, apart from being bored at home, watching a lotta TV (currently lots of JB marathons on diff channels cause of the new bond flicky...), sorting through all of my rubbish on my lappy, chatting on msn and talking a lot on the phone. Hehe... yes that's about it.

Today though, was a bit different lol. I actually left the house (and not to eat or go gym haha! ^^) I took the train all the way to Jurong East to meet up with Travis (the only friend who's not too busy for me at the moment =_=") after he finished work so he could show me around the West side of Singapore (seeing as I live in the East hehe).

The train ride was a bit more than an hour - not as long as I thought it would be... but I spent a good part of it standing up as I gave up my seat pretty early on to a pregnant lady. You know, it's wierd. On the train, I always end up giving up my seat for an old person or a pregnant woman or someone carrying a lot of bags. But everyone else on the carriage (with the exception of a few nice people ^^) usually pretend that they can't see them or just plain ignore them cause they want to keep their seat. And it only makes me madder cause they're always all young who have no reason to not stand for a few stops rather than making an elderly person/pregnant person stand (which is far more tiring for them)... But yes. My rant will end here lol.

He took me to IMM which is actually a really pretty building (the new bit anyway hehe) nd we jst walked around, window shopping. There was a funny part when he tried to avoid his cousin which his efforts were all in vain anyway cause she saw us when we were queuing at the bus stand for the shuttle bus to take us back to JE station cause it was raining too badly for me to walk without an umbrella in a white shirt lol.

Anyway, Travis nd I went to the pasa malang at the JE mrt station... God I missed those so much xP when I was younger, I used to love going there to buy cute cheap stuff... nd now, I still do! (Except the food has suddenly become far more attractive to me too haha...) nd I ate my first ever (omg I've forgotten the name! -_-) it's this really nice burger... it's like chicken wrapped up in fried egg with bbq sauce, mayo nd pepper sandwiched by bread... nd DAMN it was good! I also bought some paper min chiang kway (han yui ping ying sp? lol) nd we went to the Ice Skating rink to eat nd watch some skaters practise... nd I have to say - I'm better than all of them were!!! Lol, well yes, with practise since I haven't skated for four months T_T I definitely am. xP

Uhm. After we basically jst walked around nd went to the JE community library where we sat outside nd got bitten to death by mozzies lol (skirts, rain and lots of greenery are not a good combination lol). I am now the proud owner of eight mozzy bites from my evening out (not including the seven from my night at Esplanade which are finally fading haha)...

So we shifted back to the station where we jst sat by the shops nd chatted about, then I left to go home ^^

Managed to catch the bus back stright after I got out from the train, though I did have to run like a madwoman in loose hightops (which I was lol) holding onto my bag and trying to make sure my skirt didn't come up haha. But I made it onto the bus so it was worth it. Otherwise I'd have had to wait at least another twenty minutes for the next bus. Though I was panting like mad (well breathing heavily thru my nose in an attempt not to lol) and these 3 guys on the bus kept smirking at me. Lol, I felt like whacking them with my bag, but it had my i-pod and newly fixed phone in it, so it wasn't worth it. LOL.

Yes. Then I came home, did some stuff, chatted some nd now I have to go sleep cause I'm going out tmr (well latr today) to do some xmas shopping with Chris before I have to meet Travis cause I told him I'd show him this cute cafe thingy nd he's promised to show me baby photos haha! Then more christmas shopping on sat and sun... and saturday night I have a party to go to lol. So yes... a bit busy for the weekend.

But will update on what happened when it happens ^^


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?1:59 am

♥Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I just saw something quite funny so I decided to nick it hehe... here it is:

There were two nuns...
One of them was known as Sister Mathematical (SM),
and the other one was known as Sister Logical (SL).
It is getting dark and they are still far away from the convent.

SM: Have you noticed that a man has been following us for the past thirty-eight and a half minutes? I wonder what he wants.
SL: It's logical. He wants to rape us.

SM: Oh, no! At this rate he will reach us in 15 minutes at the most! What can we do?
SL: The only logical thing to do of course is to walk faster.

SM: It's not working.
SL: Of course it's not working. The man did the only logical thing. He started to walk faster, too.

SM: So, what shall we do? At this rate he will reach us in one minute.
SL: The only logical thing we can do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He cannot follow us both.

So the man decided to follow Sister Logical.

SM: arrives at the convent and is worried about what has happened to Sister Logical.

Then Sister Logical arrives.

SM: Sister Logical ! Thank God you are here! Tell me what happened!
SL: The only logical thing happened. The man couldn't follow us both,so he followed me

SM: Yes, yes! But what happened then?
SL: The only logical thing happened. I started to run as fast as I could and he started to run as fast as he could.

SM: And?
SL: The only logical thing happened. He reached me.

SM: Oh, dear! What did you do?
SL : The only logical thing to do. I lifted my dress up.

SM : Oh, Sister! What did the man do?
SL: The only logical thing to do. He pulled down his pants.

SM: Oh, no! What happened then?
SL: Isn't it logical, Sister?.........A nun with her dress up can run faster than man with his pants down.





And for those of you who thought it would be


I'll pray for you!

Hehe... i dun usually post horny stuff on my blog but when I read this, I jst couldn't resist haha!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?9:15 pm

Oof. It's all gloomy and cloudy and therefore dark in my room ryt now and I'm happy happy snuggled up in my duvets, so I'm going to update now. ^^

Lessee... Mmm ohh yestd I didn't do a single thing except for trying to help a friend with the layouts on her blog - which took basically most of my morning - and then now she's telling me she can't get in to see the changes xP =_=" so yes. Then I deleted all the songs on my i-pod, created new playlists nd stuff for music to go on the pod then updated the pod once again hehe. So now I have all the songs I like on it - including my new CDs *big grin* hehe.

Then I was supposed to go down to my old school at city hall so that Rei could give me the charger to his fone (it's a Sony Ericsson so I dun have a charger for it xP and it's now flat) but after travelling all the way down ther, he told me he forgot it. Haha I almost throttled him then and there! Lol.

After whacking him with my bag I took the train all the way back to bedok to go to my Ah Ma's for dinner - I love her food! Always so yummy ^^

Then went home pretty early... Came back, went on MSN then chatted on the cordless till probably sometym after 12am (I turned off the lights so I couldn't see the clock) when finally said goodbye, rolled over in bed and went to sleep. hehe... Yes that was my incredibly fruitful yestd. ^^

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?10:24 am

♥Monday, November 27, 2006

Heh. It's now the next morning. And I'm feeling marginally better - nah I'm feeling quite a bit better. Yestd before I was about to go to bed, I bumped into a friend on msn who convinced me to call them so that I could offload all of m problems so I could sleep feeling better. Thanks ^^

Anyway we talked (well mainly I talked lol) until around 3:30am. Even though nothing was really solved or anything, you know the relieving feeling you get from just sharing your problems with someone who you know won't laugh at you or make you feel stupid - just listen to you and offer advice? Well that's how I felt. So thanks for listening to all the stupid stuff xP

And... less than six hours later I'm awake once again and hav decided to update my blog even though my mood is still a bit off. =_= (see how important you all are to me? ^_~)

Okie... Yestd I was supposed to wake early to go to church but I overslept cause I was so tired that I just woke up when the alarm rang, slammed the button back down and rolled over back to sleep =D hehe, so I woke a bit after 8:30am saw the clock and basically really leapt out of my sunggly bed into a freezing cold shower in an attempt to wake me up faster. Then I shoved in the contacts to my not-fully-open-yet puffy eyes I get in the mornings, threw on some clothes, shoved my bible into my bag and was about to race out of the door when my uncle offered to take me to the interchange on his motorbike so off we went.

Surprisingly I wasn't late to meet Rei and Sasi for breakfast at Tampines McDonalds. Rei was early, Sasi was late, and I was just on time (yay!) We ate then went to Expo. I'm still astounded by the number of Singaporeans that go to that church. Lol, we joined up with Ria and I was really glad I went yestd. There was a guest speaker from Australia - Pastor Phil Pringle who has a son who was the lead singer of a band that performed the gospel songs. They were great - full of enegery, talent and worship for God. Pastor Phil also did this amazing service filled with warmth and jokes and laughter (though I have to admit, by the end of the service my butt was falling asleep! t_T) and I'm just glad that I didn't miss it since he's only coming next yr march/april time.

Saw some people I haven't seen for a couple of weeks; Weiren, Ria (!!!), Musa, Vernon... and I met Ria's mother for the first time (she was visiting) ^^ We didn't hang out like usual after the service cause Weiren, Musa and a few others were going to attend a wedding so Rei Sasi and I (Ria had to accompany her mother) decided to go down to tampines mall for me to fix my fone (stupid thing kept hanging xP). At the platform, we bumped into Gavin, which was nice ^^ He'd cut his hair and kind of dyed it a bit so I didn't really recognise him at first, but it was nice talking to him again ^^ We parted ways at Tanah Merah and I finally took my fone to Nokia where I won't see it again till the 29th T_T *sniff*

So at the moment I'm usuing Rei's old sony ericsson fone which is actually pretty cool lol, except it ran out of batt last nyt and since I've never had a sony ericsson fone I don't have a charger for it =_= lol... I'm supposed to go down to City Hall arewa to get the charger from him but i forgot I was supposed to go to my AhMa's for dinner tonight so I'll have to travel down to get the charger then take the train back to Bedok for dinner. xP

Anyway after that, we went to Bugis so Sasi could dump her stuff and get changed then we went to Somerset, and HMV (where i finally bought some CDs with the money my dad gave me! Press Play by Diddy, Step Up sountrack and Shinhwa... Ya I listened to open door again jess, but it sounded not as good as their last album when I was trying to decide, so I didn't pick it in the end -_-)

Then we walked down to Far East Plaza where I took Rei to get the little cartilage part of his ear pierced (see? I am a bad influence haha. Before he met me he had no piercings. Now he has 2! lol) He left to go home soon after cause he hadn't finished his fashion drawing assignment and me and Sasi went to catch Happy Feet at Shaw. I didn't actually want to cause I've been watching movies way too much recently and the trailers for the show didn't seem too good, but I'm glad I went cause the movie was really really cute! I loved it ^^ so adorable! Esp the baby penguins! Eee! ^^

After that I met a friend for dinner at Pasir Ris and we just hung out for awhile chatting and talking by the tiny little water canal thingy near my house lol. Then I went home earlyish and that's when I realised I'd upset/made sumone unhappy that I didn't want to or meant to T_T

Then I couldn't update cause... Well, you know. And the rest has already been written! So ^^ today I was going to sleep in to catch up on my sleep, but I woke before 9am after sleepin at 3:30am xP So now I'm just loading my new music albums into my comp where I'm going to change the songs on my i-pod... which is going to be bit boring and take awhile lol...

wish me luck! ^^

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?8:38 am

What to say? Again I had quite a lot to say... but right now I'm feeling a bit wierd. My mood's kind of off cause I think I made sumone (who's important to me xP) upset or unhappy.

Maybe I'll update tomorrow.

Some sleep will probaby help =/


What a joke. Haha. Except I'm not laughing.


Me, I mean.

Urgh. I had better go =P me ramblign when I'm not feeling great is not a good thing. Only leads to trouble. So. Yes.

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?12:56 am

♥Sunday, November 26, 2006

We-el... I have a lot of stuff to update on! Here goes...

Last night I slept kinda late cause after I finally updated and got off the fone with Chris is was almost 3am-ish. I had to wake early today (you know what I mean when I say 'today') to meet Travis for lunch at 12pm.

We met at Cineleisure (I was only 20 mins late! *is proud*) he'd already bought the tickets but I paid him for both cause he treated last time and we ate lunch at Yoshinoya (I love japanese ^^) After that I watched my first ever James Bond show! Hehe... And I have to say, as far as James Bond goes, Daniel Craig in Casino Royale was actually a halfway decent Bond dude. Nowhere near as arrogant, paedophilic and greasily slick as the others ^_~. Yes bean, Eva Green is definitely way hot in that flick. Much less creepy looking than she was in certain scenes in Kingdom of Heaven (though what her character from Casino Royale does for the advert for Heineken beer looks so fake lol...) but I think she looked even prettier without all the makeup... In that scene she reminded me of another actress but I can't quite put my finger on which actress it was *blur* lol... I think it's good though that her character was killed off in the end; and that she was actually a baddie (yes more of a goody than a baddie, but still a baddie just the same xP). Definitely made the movie more interesting ^^ Or maybe I'm just cruel with a sadistic streak hehe. Nah, I don't think so ^_~

After that... Oh yeah, we went to HMV across the street (my dad has given me $100 to spend on myself for xmas so I was scoping out some CDs I've had my eye on for a bit hehe) and the CDs I'm contemplating at the moment are: P.Diddy's new album, the Step Up soundtrack, Shinhwa album, the new Papa Roach CD and Evanescence (Open Door) ^^ Yahh.... I wuv my music xP I think I'm dying from download-withdrawal down here. T_T

Visited Taka after enjoying the music where I ate a curry puff... then a cookie and cream gelato from an italian ice-cream shop. We sat a bit on this marble type bench thing in the shopping centre to talk meaningful stuff (lol yeah. right. ^_~... jks) and spent quite a bit of time staring at the huge pretty xmas tree in the middle of the building.

Travis got hungry quite soon after that so we headed over to Food Republic where on the way this donation woman asked for donations for some kind of charity for deaf people or smth like that. Travis donated some coins and she gave me this little balloon bracelet thingy hehe. He refused to let me tie it on his wrist or his bag so I tied it onto my bag instead xP Very pwitty. Lol. See? ^^

After that, we walked over to Orchard MRT and took the train to City Hall to Esplanade where he took me to the Esplanade rooftop which was really pretty at night (only really been before during the day) and we basically leaned over the ledge thing to watch this hari raya performance in the mini open-theatre down below, then lay down on the wooden deck where all these couples were taking photos and making out lol, to stare at the cloudy sky and chat. It was great ^^ fun, relaxed and comfy. Just nice I guess ^^

When these policemen/security guards came up (I think there was something going on up there cause there were quite a few of them that appeared gradually) and started clearing off some of the people, we left. We crossed the bridge over to this area where there was a mini-merlion statue spitting water into the river (or whatever it was xP am not too sure) and we sat on the steps near the water and spent more time hanging out and just chatting. I don't think I've felt so relaxed in awhile ^^ we talked about a lot of things and he gave me some really good advice and helped me to figure out some stuff.

We left to walk back to the station around 11pm-ish so that there would be plenty of time to get home then finally parted ways so that he could take the train back to Jurong East and me, Pasir Ris. ^^ Was a great night, now I'm tired lol. But I had to update cause tomorrow I'm going out early again (this time to CHC church) and I have to wake at around 8am cause I'm meeting Sasi and Reinard for breakfast at Mickey Ds before we go to Expo to join Ria.

I think Rei also wants to go out after the service so I'll probably be out for a bit. Yes. But will not forget to update my surprsingly-sucessful(-for-the-moment) blog hehe.

But yes. As it's almost 1:30am now, I should get to bed xP

So goodnight!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?12:56 am


AKA [ vivi ]
[ 6 teen ]
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*Carrie II
*Jess II
*Zhong Ren



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