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♥Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hmm... what to say now? Well, we went to city centre, saw some people paragliding with coloured smoke jets on the way (gosh, what a traffic jam they caused lol)... ate at chilis (yummy classic beef fajitas nd strawsicle). went to see the psp selling in carrefour but finally didn't buy.

Now a bit tipsy. it's a bit hard to type so sorry if any typos or i don't make much sense. my da came hme from egypt... brought bak a lot of statues for peanut, hieroglyphic (sp?) name pendants for me nd my mutti along with an egyptian necklace for both me nd my ma... mine's this unique necklace with a huge chunky pendant and it gorgeous - i love it evn tho it's not usually the kind of thing i wear.

Aftr that we celebrated popa comin hme and my stay in muscat since i'm leavin tmr nd so drank a whole bottle of champagne haga. now the entire family's a bit tipst nd i had quite a lot to drink hahha. my whole body feels sort of heavy nd slow... evn my fingers lol.

Sorry this update is si crappy. am not thinking too straight lol...

Tmr am going to go out to photicopy al mny ceretificates so ny parents have a copy when i bring them back and also mayb if there's time i'll go practise some more driving haha...

But for now i just feel like watching x-men 2 till i fall aslp so tht wat i'm going to do... so bubye for npw...!

bean: thanks so much for the sms hon... it ws really sweet nd meant a lot... am gonna miss u xP

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?3:37 am

♥Friday, January 12, 2007

Spent most of today packing like planned... Lol my mum is amazing with stuffing luggages! Seriously, we sorted out everything i wanted to bring back on the bed (and there was loads of stuff!) and now, it's all carefully squished away in my semi-large luggage -- which surprisingly weighs less than 30kgs lol!

Oh.. btw, since i forgot to mention it yestd... i now have incredibly pretty nails thanks to one of my x-mas presents from bean (thanks hon! ^_^)... I got a gift voucher from her to get a manicure (yay, she read my wishlist hehe!) and now my nails are all shiny and french tipped ((=... Nice nice, they look a bit like fake nails as well haha, which is nice... so thanks agn babe! i lubs u very much... nd i'm gonna miss u a lot agn xP

Now me, my bro and my ma (my dad's in egypt lol) are gonna go to City Centre one last tym before i leave for some spontaneous last min shopping/window shopping hehe... peanut has his eye on a psp lol... good luck convincing ma to let u get it lol (esp since he's getting a ps3 from them for his bday! lucky bugger... lol!)

Popa should be returning from Egypt sometym tonight if the flight isn't delayed (fat chance lol!) so he should be able to send me off tmr... So sad... no one will be receiving me when i reach sg lol, haha will have to wait till after 6(?) when the midnight charge is ovr to take a taxi back hme... aiyz... hehe, nah sok la ^_^ got to be more independant, ryt? lol... just lemme have my fun griping a lil bit kekes!

Note for half: Hunni, i'm so sorry i haven't been miscalling or emailing recently... just been really busy these past few days and every tym i try to miscall, it sez the network is busy or unreachable =[ ... i should be able to send ya a mail at dubai airport since i'm gonna be there for awhile but it depends on whether or not the coms are occupied... sorry xP... aniwae... how're u babe? u seem pretty good frm ur bloggy ((:

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?7:19 pm

I've changed my blog skin again! Hehe... My old blog needed to be updated and i had to change a number of things in the html so I just decided to do a complete rehaul and change the look of my blog (tho i'm not sure how long this skin will last haha... i didn't have much time to look through different ones last night and i haven't got many saved on my com here in oman xP). I apologize for the white font colour in my previous posts though, cause i won't be going back to edit the posts and change the colour - i'm far too lazy! lol - so if you want to read what i've written, just highlight all the white and ta-da! Words! hehe...

Day before yestd I went over to Grace's for a sleepovr lol, had fun watching crude british humour programs like Little Britian and Jackass 2... fell asleep halfway through watching an episode of Taken, but with four of us squished on a bed i was squashed and sleeping near the edge of the bed and spent almost the entire night terrfied i was going to fall off and crush Liss who was sleeping with Gra on a matress on the floor lol. Plus it was a constant fight for the covers. Haha, I don't think i slept more than 2 hrs in total that night! Hugged everyone goodbye when i left cause i doubt i'll be seeing many of em before i leave... x

Stupid me then left both my phones at Grace's (*headdesk*) so had to get Carrie to keep them for me then go pick them up from her. Got another goodbye hug type thing.

Then bean came ovr in the evening to watch some movies and so we could as per tradition, scoff loads of popcorn lol. She brought over Donnie Darko, but we watched Step Up first (oh yeah!) lol... mindless happy romantic dance flick first. Donnie Darko was amazing though. I love the movie. It's basically about this boy who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and he has daylight hallucinations about this bunny rabbit called Frank. I noe it sounds stupid - especially the bunny rabbit bit, but honestly, it's a great show. The ending was so sad and i have to say, even though i don't particularly like Jake Gyllenhaal (sp?) he's a pretty good actor. xP

Today, i'm going to be doing a hell lot of packing cause..... i'm leaving tomorrow! It's wierd, i've got mixed feelings on going back to singapore. There are people i wanna see agn in singapore and meet up with and things i wanna do, but i've basically just spent a month living my old life back in Oman and it's kinda hard to say goodbye and everything again.

I'm not looking forward to travelling alone again. xP It's long and lonely and i'm still a bit sick so i noe my nose is going to go all screwy on the flight lol. Not fun haha.

Anyway, it's not too bad cause this time the wait at Dubai is only about 2 hours! None of that previous 9hr crap xP so yay for me!

I should be going now haha... I'm still suggled up in bed in my pajamas lol!

so... tatas for now!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?1:25 pm

♥Monday, January 08, 2007

Found this on myspace... sappy but oh-so-sweet xP...

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?3:31 am

♥Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ohhh i must be getting lazy haha. Again so long between updates! Haha... remember the good old days when i used to update at least twice every day? Wow... I must have had no life! ^_~ jks...

Hum. Well wat to say? Now i have no idea wat to say... I don't think i'll rmb everything that i've done since my last update lol, so lemme think... well the 4th was quite an important day; Weiren, Da nd Hiba all had their birthdays! Da and Hiba are now 20 and i think Weiren's 23 now... Belated Happy Birthday wishes on my blog to all u guys ^_^

Since Weiren and Da are both in sg, i went to Hiba's bday thing and almost froze my arse off! It was so bloody cold! Urgh... Actually, Hena and I met up with Hafren, Bean, Ca, Steve nd Char at Kargeen's first before we (Haf, Hen nd I) went to join Michie nd the others at Hiba's table... everyone took so long to arrive -- haha now you all know why i'm always late when i go anywhere! LOL!

Anyway, apart from the cold, it was a great night... I had no idea that Ush is as loud as he is! LOL, when he was with Christina, he was so quiet and then after he dropped her home and came back, it was like woah.... Got some nice pics of the night for rememberance -- thanks mich! (btw... u still owe me the pdo pics hun -- stop forgetting! ^_~)

The day after I had to wake up really early to go sailing with bean at PDO, but when we got there, the sea was so choppy there's no way we'd be able to sail haha, so we decided not to sail (but still have our customary after-sailing yummy apple pie wit ice cream!) and jst laze arnd on the beach (again freezing cold cause there was so much wind) trying to get warm from the rays from the sun... it was a really wierd feeling as there was so much wind and the wind was so cold, so the sun didn't feel anywhere near strong enough though we both knew we were probably going to get burnt hehe...

It was still pretty fun though ^_^

The next day i just spent slackin at home havin fun with my brother the last day before his school starts (hahahahaha! LOL) and re-decorating my room (finally! ><... it's almost finished). My parents went out to the Muscat Festival, but me and my bro didn't go, we stayed home, watched Blade I and II and i sniffled and coughed and hacked out half my lungs (being sick again xP)

When they got back my bro and I mock-fought over this damascus-style polished box lol, managed to drag our parents into the mock fight and basically yelled the whole house down haha... then another coughing fit lol, and my dad was insisting to get me to a doctor, but u noe me -- i hate doctors... no need to see them unless ur really dying or smth xP

Persuaded him to jst lemme eat a little histalix nd drink some chinese tea hehe =DD
Omg, haha this guy i was just talking to on MSN sent me this AI to talk to and it's hilarious! we were having a group convo with it and seeing wat it says to different stuff lol... it gets prudish if we talk abotu sex and tries to get my friend to apologise when he insulted it... it's quite funny ^_^

School started again today and I went in at the end of the day to pick up my GCSE results but M. Kaiser had left again (the bugger xP) so i'll have to go in agn tmr morning =_=" *pokes eye*... but it was ok, i got to talk to Gray (back from scottielanden...)

And now i'm off to continue chatting... I'll probably try to finish up my room a little later... i might also take pictures to show u all haha...


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?6:42 pm


AKA [ vivi ]
[ 6 teen ]
Take My Quiz!
I am worth $2,735,330 :D

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[ *dislikes: ] papercuts || injections || needles || syrup anitbiotics || overly feminine girls || spineless people || frills || old lace || pearls || liars || cheaters || back-stabbers || plastics || cockroaches || bees || wasps || insects || mosquito bites in uncomfortable places || bowling ||

my old bloggy =D

*Carrie II
*Jess II
*Zhong Ren



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21 Jan 2007
28 Jan 2007
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