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♥Friday, December 08, 2006

Mwahaha. Lol. Sorry, excuse me, I'm still on a high from getting out of the house hehe! Hum. What to sae? I met up with Rei for dinner at Mos Burger (you all know how much I wub that place! ^^

Anywae, I wore my new super-short shorts that I bought when xmas shopping wit Da earlier ^^. I'm gonna call em my cute-slutty shorts cause tht's what they are (or remind me of haha.. half cute, half slutty XPP). Rei wanted me to get all dressed up but nyah xP. I noe he only dresses up cause he likes the attention! ^_~ jks... i luv him really. Haha.

We basically walked arnd Orchard where he wanted to visit all the ex. designer shops haha (how on earth can a seventeen year old have such expensive taste??!!) LOL. and we ended up taking lotsa stupid fotos in Paragon (cause the lighting in there was better). We're two vain pots hehes. ^^

I'm trying to decide whether or not to post the piccys here cause I noe they'll take up a whole lotta space cause they don't use lj-cuts on blogger xPP. Stupid blogger. hehe. ^^

Think I will post them anywae... If u dun like them - dun worry, just scroll down quickly! It'll all be over soon - i promise! ^_~. LOL!

Bloody bollocks! I never knew it was so troublesome to upload the pics then re-size em and try and move them around into some sort of order! xPP

Lucky I love u all so much ^_~

We were walking arnd on Orchard road nd all you sg peeps will know the significance of Xmas and Orchard road together, but for all of you who don't... It gets decorated really really nicely. ((:

Vair vair purty huh? The first one is inside Paragon, the second and third (well, there *was* a third, but I just deleted it by accident and I'm not going to insert it again cause it's gonna mess with the nice neat(ish) layout that i've been trying to arrange - tht happens whenever you add a photo xP... so I'll post it in a separate post, ok?) are just outside it ^^ nd if you look really closely, you can see the strings of light hung along and all above the street. *sighs happily* I wish Oman was as pretty as this during Christmas...

Anywae, on the way home, I bumped into a cousin I haven't seen in almost 3+ years! Haha, pure coincidence that he sat next to me on the bench while we were waiting for the train at City Hall station! I omost didn't recognise him on account of the little goatee he'd grown since the last tym we met. Haha - he definitely didn't recognise me! Lol the long hair, horrid glasses nd braces are now all gone in exchange for short streaked-purple hair, contacts, a nose stud and a lip ring (at the tym lol). Yap, we talked all the way to Bedok nd it was really nice catching up with him ^^

Thenn... talked to Da on the fone till I reached home. xPP Then was feeling incredibly vain from all the picture taking indulged in earlier so decided to take a few more - hehes... long tym since last foto la... ^^

Anyway... here are the results!

Well... That's me being vain! Sorry if the dimentions of most of the pics are a bit screwy, it's cause I had to resize them by hand and well urgh - I'm jst not very gud at that haha...

Hmm... my second ever post with pics in them! If any of you want to see better versions of them, you can also find them on my friendster profile (there's a link to it somewhere to the left on my sidebar) ^^

It's almost 2am so I should be finishing this post about now xPP
I will definitely kill my laptop if it decides to freeze halfway through posting or do the stupid "this page cannot be displayed..." rubbish. Or if Blogger asks me to sign in again.
Haha. This is what you get though, for making such a long post xP. With so much hard work involved (the pics!) hehe... wish me luck!

*fingers crossed*

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?1:17 am

♥Thursday, December 07, 2006

It's wierd to think that I'll be leaving to go back to Oman in eight days. That was so quick! - I mean, it's December already. It's been almost 6 months (half a year!) since I left my school and life in Oman.

Sometimes I think that things are going quite well over here, and sometimes I don't. I still get lonely and all that (especially since the school I used to study in here is incredibly demanding) so most of the friends that I had made there are very busy at the moment (sem. finals). I wanted to get a job and work but since I'm leaving on hols, there was no point in looking for a job. I will look though, the moment I get back from Oman.

It's kind of wierd, but I want to start over in a way, when I come back from my hols. I want to get a job, finally sign up for all those dance classes (again i couldn't cause i'm leaving on the 15th) and hopefully (*fingers crossed*) lol make new friends.

I never thought I'd say this, but I miss school.
I wish LaSalle/NAFA started sooner.

(No, i still haven't decided which one I want to go to yet.)

Sometimes I feel like such a failure xPP

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:39 am

♥Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Balls. I'm sick (ish) again. +_+

My head feels like it's about to split open and I've thrown up around three times. My throat's also a bit sore - but that might be from the acid I hacked up from chucking up. xPP

I was day before yestd (I think - it was somewhere around then)... I thought I got better, and now I'm sick again. If I'm not better by tomorrow I'll have to go visit a doc. *screw up face* no no no. Yucky. I usually try to avoid doctors as much as possible.

Taken two panadols. Am just waiting for the them to kick in so I can do a wake-up call for a friend then fall asleep. Hopefully. Am lucky I didn't have any nightmares when I had a nap after meds when I was sick 2 days ago. Please, let me be that lucky again xPP

Am trying to tickle myself with a pretty fluffy pen in an attempt to make myself feel better.
It's makign me sneeze instead.

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?7:02 pm

Find a guy, who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says,
"...that's her."

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:18 am

♥Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My gud friend Travis just posted this entry about nicknames and it kinda got me thinking hehe, so I decided to nick his idea and do one as well =D

I'm like u Da (look a new one!), i actually have these really huge flapping-sticky-outy ears that are of jumbo proprtions so I was kinda very self-conscious of them growing up.. thankfully though, no-one ever gave me any nasty nicknames because of them or who knows how much dough i'd have had to shell out for future therapy ^_~

But yes, Travis's nicknames for me (luckily) aren't all that bad. There's: 'tickle-me vivi' his new toy haha *rolls eyes*, dumb dumb (oi! meanie!), kitty (cause he says I'm like a kitten when his does this 'nip' thing with his fingers) and finally (his favourite, i think) PETITE! (hey! I'm not that small! lol it's not my fault ur that much taller than me xP)

Oh. Maybe that can be a new nickname for him haha - beanpole!

My nicknames for him at the mo are just: oldie (which he really really hates haha!), idjit, teddy (cause of his hair haha - it's always all over the place) and spaceboy (aerospace tech student lol)! But now i have two more to add to the list; Da (no, not dada - which i hadn't actually realised was smth quite rude in the indonesian lang... but from SiDa...) and beanpole (though that reminds me a bit of my best mate, bean, back in Oman so xPP)

I have a wide variety of nicknames though lol... some of them are utterly hilarious and make me laugh... lemme see, there's "bonnet boy", "happy vally"... urgh others that I can't remember now... but i also have some pretty normal decent nicks too ^

Vivi, Vee, VJ, Val, Vally, Ally, Ash, Half, Shola... lol, no point asking where some of them came from cause haha they all have their own little story ^^

I was halfway through reading Travis's blog when my phone rang - remember the random guy I talked about in my clubbign post? The one who was quite nice to me when I kinda lost my friends? lol, well he called me up jst to chat and stuff. Lol i was so surprised. I honestly didn't think he'd try and contact me at all after that night haha. Now i'm being cautioned by a few friends to be careful lol.

Don't worry, I know ^^ I ain't that naive xPP

Ok apaprently he found his name in my earlier post in my blog. How did he find my blogg?? Lol. Great all powerful being that he is (LMAO jks!) ^_~

Okie, well I'm off for a drink now... still think i'm a bit dehydrated from yestd lol.

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:07 pm

One Tree Hill's on! Ooh ooh! *spazzes around*

LOL. ^^

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?8:04 pm

Oh haha! According to my new counter on my bloggy page; I have had exactly 69 visitors to my blog since I added it!

That number always makes me laugh... it's the cancer sign sideways lol ^^ and it's a tattoo I've always wanted to get (a small sideways 69 for cancer) on the bit of skin between my thumb and pointy finger =D

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?7:57 pm

I officially love Mc'Leod's Daughters on the Hallmark Channel.
Who knew I'd ever like anything on a channel called Hallmark?? Lol ^^

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?7:53 pm

I just finished reading a fanfic online called Beautiful Boy and sometimes it amazes me at how much a writer can drag me into their story with their words that even awhile after I finish reading their last sentence, i still feel like i'm drowning, trying to pull myself out of the existence that they've created.

It's almost 4:40 am and I'm trying to decide whether or not I should try and stay awake until 5am so that I can sms sumone goodmorning xPP

Am a bit tired tho. lol.
Will send the sms now.

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?4:35 am

Was doing more snooping around on my friends' blogs when I suddenly came across a link that took me back to my old blog! It was the longest blog I'd ever kept (haha less than two months) and it has all of my rambling rubbishy-stuff right from a bit before i left Oman (which now seems like ages ago =_='') till our family trip to Vietnam after we came back to Singapore.

I seriously sat in front of my lappy and read every single entry that I ever wrote on that blog and I honestly cannot believe that i once posted seven times in one day. I really must havehad no life been really really important and popular for me to have had so much to piffle about lol!

I kinda miss the old me xPP

If anybody ever wants to see my greatest online achievement (haha!) deep dark secret past (of only like two months!) you can find my old blog at: http://saoirse-reaper.livejournal.com/

Heh. *reminisces*

On a totally random note: I have fallen in love with Frankie J's song - That Girl. Amazing song hehe ^^

"I've been around the world
And seen so many girls
But none can compare
'Cause I can't keep my eyes off that girl.

She got a bill and a face like a supermodel
And her body built just like a coke bottle
But none can compare
Cause I can't keep my eyes off that girl"


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?2:26 am

It's almost 2am now and even though I was sicker than a dog earlier, I can't sleep xP so I was surfing around the net and visiting my friends' blog pages when I came across this quote in my best friend's journal.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind do not matter and those who matter do not mind."

I stole it from her who stole it from Dr Suess.

I love the quote and most importantly, i think it's true. It hurts sometimes though when you realise that those you once thought mattered, mind.

I was looking forward to going back to Oman but i read another friend's journal who talked about how she wished that those of us who'd left wouldn't come back to visit cause she's happy with the way things are now and is worried about being dropped. It's a perfectly legitemate feeling and i understand it. But it still hurt when i read it. x Esp since i thought we were at least kind of good friends. Guess a lotta things change pretty quickly huh?

It's wierd. Now that quite a few people have moved from Oman and have started new lives elsewhere around the world, those that I still keep in contact with and I really care about... they all seem to be depressed. And it's wierd cause I honestly can't say that I don't feel depressed too sometimes, being here.

It's not because I'm here that I sometimes feel depressed. It's a lotta other stuff that comes with living here that makes me miss home and the life i once knew... but i mean, you've got to grow up and move on sometime, right?

I just wish my friends were happier. Maybe i'd stop worrying about them so much then.

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?2:00 am

♥Monday, December 04, 2006


1) Cried: nope
2) Worn jeans: of cors ^^
3) Met someone: yups
4) Done laundry: no
5) Went hungry: lol yap! *stomach grumbles at the memory*
6) Talked on the phone: ya ya
7) Said I love you: lol yes

8) Yourself: hmm... most the the time ^_~
9) Your friends: of cors!
10) Tooth fairy: nope lol
11) Destiny/Fate: no. I believe u make your own destiny... whether u realise it or not
12) Ghosts: not sure...
13) UFO: Nope

14) Do you ever wished you had another name?: i did when i was younger...
15) Do you like anyone? : lol hmm...
16) Which of your friends acts most like you? : none! cause i'm speshal ^_~
17) When you cried the most who was there? : my 16yr old teddy hehe
18) What's the best feeling in the world? : To see someone smile nd know u put it there
19)What's the worst feeling in the world? : shame nd guilt i think
20)What time is it now?: 12:30am

21) Chocolate or vanilla : nilla!
22) Coke or Pepsi : Coke!
23) Love or Lust : love <3
24) Sprite or 7-Up : neither xP
25) Girls or guys : bothhh
26) Scruff or Clean shaved : hmm depends on the guy... bt usually clean(ish)
27) Movies day or night : nightt... i'm a night owl ^_~

28) Took a shower : earlier tday
29) Cried : i can't remember xP

30) Makes you smile : lotsa ppl ^^
31) Who can make you smile no matter what : Some1 veri speshal
32) Are you in love right now : haha... hmm

33) Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call : uhm no...
34) Save AIM conversations : AIM? No... MSN, sumtyms... but onli if they're veri speshal ^^
35) Wish you were someone else : I used to when I was younger and still stupid and naive xP
36) Wish you were a member of the opposite sex : haha all the tym.. but being a girl definitely has it's plus points ^_~
37) Go online for longer than eight hours: lol ya!
38) Stucked in a lift : not yet +_+
39) People you dont know and you went out with them : hmm... ya kind ov
40) Hate a person to the core that you wish that he/she will die immediately : no... no way.
41) Swear your parents or siblings : I have before but i dun really now... unless it's really a huge explosive screaming fight wit my brother hehe
42) Read comics until you cry : ummm ... NO. lol.

43) That you saw : Ah Bee
44) You talked to : My ma
45) You hugged : ehhh... i can't remember... travs?
46) Instant messaged you : Maz

47) Color your hair : it's still purple the last tym i looked in the mirror! faded yes... but definitely still purple ^_~
48) Have tattoos : not yet... lol haha
49) Have piercings : ya i have 9 ear ones and a nose stud... prolly gonna add more sumtym soon-ish lol
50) Have on lipsticks : lip gloss ya, lippy no
51) Own more than 10 pairs of flip flops : ummm. NOPE
52) Like someone : sure
53) Hate someone : no...
54) Have any money on you : lol ya

Layer one - On the outside
Name : Vivi
Birthdate : 13/07/1990
Current status : hmmm lol
color : uhmm... wht colour?? haha skin colour? fave colour? lol...
Zodiac sign : little crabby

Layer two - On the inside
Your heritage : Chinese
Your fears : cockroaches =_=, losing those i love, syringe needles
Your weaknesses : i'm nt veri sure... am veri ticklish -_-

Layer three - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your first thought when you wake up : Just 5 more minutes.... zzZZ... hehe
Your bedtime : um i dun have a bedtime xP
Your most missed memory : i have a lot

Layer Four - Your Pick
Mac or KFC : Mickey Ds... i dun realli like KFC (lol vietnam ppl: keinen fkin chicken! remember? lol... gud memories ^^)
Single or group dates : both r nice...
Adidas or nike : Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea : can i choose lui cha?
Cappucino or coffee : both r k

Layer Five -Do you
Smoke : i have before...
Curse : ya... depends on hu i'm with lol =X
Take a shower : of cors not! ^_~
Have a crush : sure
Think you've been in love : that's for me to noe...
Like school : sumtyms ^_~ no ya i do (ish)

Layer Six - In the past month
Drank alcohol : ya...
Gone to the mall : lol hell yeah
Been on stage : no (thank God xP)
Eaten sushi : yes... yummy ^^
Been dumped : not yet...
Gone skating : no... i realli miss skating =x
Think you're a health freak : sumtyms...

Layer Seven - Have you ever
Played a stripping game : lol yap
Changed who you were to fit in : no

Layer Eight - Getting old
Age you are hoping to get married : i dunno if that's what i want
I LOVE : my family, my frens, myself (haha), my stuffed toys, wacky webcam convos wit ppl i miss ^^, pearl tea, POCKYYY!... mint, cookies n cream ice cream, chunky thumb rings ^^nail art, my fone, talkin, smsing nd updating my stupid blog haha!
I FEEL : abit sleepy
I HATE : (din i already say??) lol cockroaches, papercuts, liars, excessive arrogance, feelin depressed or lonely xP, injections
I HIDE : hide wat?? lol.. hide nd seek!!
I MISS : a lot of things
I NEED : more sleep! ^_~

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?7:52 pm

Hey! This is my nineteenth post ^^ For those of you who don't know, 19 is my favourite number, so this is an extra-special post! Lol.

Humf. Oh yeah, it was really stupid cause I slept really late last night again but only cause I finished the present that Travs gave me for Christmas! (Yeah, i know, still a gud way away from christmas, but he said I could open it since I wasn't actually going to be in Singapore for xmas). It was a book called PostSecret and definitely one of the most interesting books that I've ever read. ^^

It's about this arty project a dude (Frank Warren) had which was for people to write down one secret anonymously on the back of these postcards he was handing out to strangers. One secret - any secret as long as it was true and one that they'd never shared with anyone before, and to mail it to him for the project. The project turned out to be a huge success and the book is about it. Every page is a postcard with somebody's secret. Every postcard is also colourful and decorated, either by Frank or the writer themselves. It's a great book and I love it - thanks xe da (haha different han yui ping ying!).

I wonder if I had picked up one of those postcards, what secret would I have written on the back. Lol i have so many xP. But then again, who doesn't?

Heh. 11 more days till I go back to Oman for the holidays ^^. I've bought some xmas presents for some of my friends there but I don't have much space to bring back a lotta stuff - esp since my brother's demanding lots of twisties, bah teng and bah qua (han yui ping ying?? lol). I still have no idea what to get my parents though +_+ and I want to do some xmas shopping for myself too before I go back, but don't really have anyone to accomany me cause it's now final exam period at RDI and I don't have many other friends lol.

Oh, now I'm craving a peanut butter and jam sandwich.
I think i'm going to go and satisfy that craving since we finally have bread in the house again ^_~

Tatas for now ^^

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:24 am

♥Sunday, December 03, 2006

Huh. What to say? Quite a lotta things have happened since my last post but there's no way that I'm gonna write all of em here xP lol, I think my fingers would drop off, not to mention you'd all probably be bored to death by all my rambling and stuff.

I just finished reading a friend's blog entry and now I feel incredibly guilty...

I went out clubbing last night at DXO with Rei. We met up with Chris and his friend who organised the party but he kind of left to go and join his other friends cause he wasn't really comfortable with Rei. Anyway Rei had to leave early and when I tried to talk to/ask Chris about when he was leaving or whatever, I dunno, I just got a shrug and a "I dunno" kind of thing before he carried on dancing with his friends. My cell was out of battery so before Rei left, I borrowed his phone to call Travis and he said that he'd come down at around 2am to meet me outside the club and accompany me till I could go home on the first train (the last train is around 11:50pm ish and the after midnight charge for taxi fares is killer =S it would have cost me around $30 to get from town area back to Pasir Ris... And since the party would only end around 3-4am I was just going to hang out all night till the first train started then I could take it back to Pasir Ris.

Anyway, Chris kept disappearing and Rei had left and I was left in the middle of the dance floor feeling a bit awkard when this really nice guy teased me and asked me if I was lost before asking me to join him and his friends, so I had company ^^ Danced, drank and just had fun till around 2am+ when I was going to leave to meet Trais when I realised that one of Chris's friends had my bag and I couldn't leave without my bag but I could find her.

The guy I met (Jeremy) was really nice and helped me to look for her or Chris but when I finally found Chris and I asked where Theodora was, he was like "I dunno" again so I just gave up and left the club to go find Travis.

We hung around nearby DXO till around almost 4am when the paty was winding down so that maybe we could spot her (she was one of the organisers so she'd be leaving late) and I went back in to try and find her - and yay, find her I did! Lol. Got my bag and left.

My feet were killing me. High heeled strappy sandal type things look pretty but if you try standing/dancing in them for 7hours - they hurt. Especially if you wore other heels out to go shopping earlier that day. xP LOL.

So guess what? haha I walked barefeet with Travis to McDonalds where I got a drink which kinda helped me sober up a bit and feel less dehydrated (sweat a lot dancing). I was a bit tipsy xP

Then we walked to the MRT station (haha, Travis gave me a piggy back even though I was in a skirt) so that i wouldn't have to walk thru this sort of soil-y dirt type stuff hehe. We just sat on the floor of Bugis MRT with a couple of other people waiting for the first train back to Pasir Ris (he accompanied me all the way back to my house).

But I know that he was actually really tired when he came to meet me from his house at 2am in the morning, so now I feel kinda really guilty. Dragging him out at that hour to meet me in town area at a club he didn't even go to to accompany me and talk to me/help me with my problems =P Even though he said it was ok.

And now, reading his blog thingy, he sounds tired and a bit depressed (though for different reasons) and I feel sad. xP

If you're reading this Sida, thanks for everything and hope you feel better soon. ^^
Sweet dreams all, I'm off to bed early for once! Hehe...

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:06 pm


AKA [ vivi ]
[ 6 teen ]
Take My Quiz!
I am worth $2,735,330 :D

[ *likes: ] cookies|| mint || vanilla || irish mint || jamoca ice-cream || rain || dark skies || black clouds || cold wind || lillies || chocolates || cute stuffed toys || faded jeans || knee-high socks || nail polish || unique jewellry || sneakers || tattoos || piercings || messy hair || fluffy bathrobes || music || internet || drawing || writing || heavy bass || neon lights || sweet drinks || her boyfriend: xiao man tou ^^ || her friends || her family ||

[ *dislikes: ] papercuts || injections || needles || syrup anitbiotics || overly feminine girls || spineless people || frills || old lace || pearls || liars || cheaters || back-stabbers || plastics || cockroaches || bees || wasps || insects || mosquito bites in uncomfortable places || bowling ||

my old bloggy =D

*Carrie II
*Jess II
*Zhong Ren



29 Oct 2006
19 Nov 2006
26 Nov 2006
3 Dec 2006
10 Dec 2006
17 Dec 2006
24 Dec 2006
31 Dec 2006
7 Jan 2007
14 Jan 2007
21 Jan 2007
28 Jan 2007
4 Feb 2007
11 Feb 2007
18 Feb 2007
4 Mar 2007
11 Mar 2007
18 Mar 2007
25 Mar 2007
1 Apr 2007
8 Apr 2007
15 Apr 2007
29 Apr 2007
6 May 2007
20 May 2007
27 May 2007
17 Jun 2007


traffic counters
BestBuy.com Electronics


xcake || babes layout
yumei-k || sanami276 brushes