♥Saturday, December 16, 2006
hihi! I'm now at Dubai International Airport waiting to check in for my connecting flight to Oman (finally! LOL).the flight was pretty much hell. But since when is it not?? xPP lol.since i have a bit of time (about an hour-ish) I guess I can spare a little time to explain why. =_=" the flight from Singapore to Dubai is around 7+ hours. And since i turned about 11, I can't sleep on planes any longer - well not longer than about an hour in total anyway +_+ - usually it's pretty bearable though because of the amazing invention called Krisworld haha. That's like this interactive channel where you can watch the latest movies, several tv series, listen to the most recent albums and even play games.unfortunately tho... guess what?? my seat's krisworld option just so happened to be malfunctional. xP T_T so the entire 7hr flight I bascially alternated between attempting to sleep, reading Angels and Demons again and writing xPP. It was pretty much hell. I hated it xP And yes, I definitely didn't sleep for even one whole hour the whole flight. xPPthen... at Dubai, the transit wait between connecting flights is 9 hours and 15 minutes. Gosh, i mean dubai airport's not bad, but 9 hours? that's longer than the actual flight to get here lol. And i was sick. xPP what started out as just a runny nose became a runny nose/blocked nose, fever, sore throat and headache. when i got here, i basically just tried to fall asleep (i managed to nag on eof the slightly reclining seats in the quiet lounge ^^) but i really couldn't. the lights were too bright and i really felt sick. In the end, i just gave up, went to buy some flu pills and downed 2. xPP that was like 3 hours ago. I still feel just as sick. I alternately feel really cold and really hot. It's really annoying. And uncomfortable. xPPI can't wait to just go home and sleep.The good part though, is i think i managed at least about 1 and a half hours of (interrupted) sleep, but 1 and a half is one and a half. ^^ so that was pretty good.now i'm paranoid about missing my flight and having to stay here till i can get the next flight (= N.I.G.H.T.M.A.R.E lol) so i'd better go... I feel better when i can actually see the gate out of some corner in my vision to make sure i haven't passed the closing time. haha.i so paranoid hor? LOLoh well... ya update again sometime...(preferrably after more than a few hours of un-interrupted sleep hehe.)ciao bellas!xx
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?12:13 pm
♥Friday, December 15, 2006
Only 2 days between updates and I remembered why it's so easy to just abandon a blog - too manyt hings happen = very sian to write. Then the more you hold it off, the more stuff accumulates for you to write. It's a vicious cycle. ^_~
Aniwae... I'm here and that's all that matters! xPP hehe.
Okie... where to start?
Well, you all know I got my hurr re-highlighted. After that I went back home to shower and get changed etc. I was kind of getting to packing when my mutti called. Sometimes I hate it when we talk to the phone. We got into yet another fight-y thing. When I hung up I was feeling really shitty, so I got out of the house and went to White Sands library instead to wait for Da to come. He said he had some kind of surprise for me. ^^
When he finally reached, he was holding somthing behind his back and asked me to close my eyes, then he asked me to see if I could smell anything. I was kind of surprised and startled cause something suddenly touched my nose so I didn't actually smell anything, but when I opened my eyes...
Wow. He bought flowers for me!
He remembered that I like lillies ^^ there was also some forget-me-nots, baby breath, and passion roses... very pritty ((: Also the first time i've ever gotten a bouquet of flowers from a guy! --thanks da!--

I also gave him my present to him - the little dummy thing chae-kyung made of shin from Goong (Princess Hours) ^^ so cute! (except it wasn't as big as the original hehe) I think he liked it ^^ Well i hope he did.
We went back to my house so I could put the flowers in a vase and stuffs and he asked me for his real xmas present (selfish boy! Lol, nah jks hun ^^) and again, I hope he liked it xPPWe had to part ways so that i could go meet my aunt and a few cousins for dinner (yeah suddenly all my relatives want me to join them for dinner etc since I'm leaving later today xP). It was great though, to catch up with them again ^^. Lydia dyed her hair black and it was really wierd for me to look at cause I was so used to it being like this auburn/browny/blond thing. Really wierd.
At around 9pm, I had to rush back to tampines mall to meet up with da again for a movie (The Holiday - yay! ((: hehe i really wanted to watch it before I left for Oman). The movie lasted longer than I thought it would but it was pretty good ((:... The whole movie though, I couldn't really concentrate cause Jack Black's character totally reminded me so much of one of my friends; Steve. It was great! I couldn't stop laughing cause of it lol... Miss stupid teddy-bear-toy-boy//un-lean-mean-male-bitching-machine. Wahaha. Can't wait to see him again at xmas ^^
On another random note. Jude Law was really surprisingly hot in the movie. Hehe. ^_~Oldie missed the last train home tho +_+ stupid train for Boon Lay leaves so early! xPP (11:40pm). I felt really guilty cause I thought he'd be able to catch the last train so I helped pay for most of the taxi fare home for him cause he lives so far away nd the after-midnight surcharge is crazy =_="I got soaked going home though cause it suddenly started raining really heavily and by the time i got onto the bus from the stationg at Pasir Ris, I was dripping and my jeans were completely soaked through. As was my top xPP. The bus was also bloody freezing. =_="
Took photos of me wet... but I'm not sure if you can tell xP

When i got home though... Guess what? Alex called! All the way from Aussie... It was so wierd talking to him on the phone again, cause we used to do it a lot when we were going out, but this time instead on only being a few hundred metres away, he was like millions of miles away (lol ok, not that long hehe =D)Ok... That was day before yestd. Here's yestd:Busy busy busy. So busy that very sian. Had to go down to check in my flight. I got drenched again going down and halfway there someone told me I have to bring my passport to check in =_=" had to go all the way back to Pasir Ris again to get the stupid passport. The good thing was I got a chance to change into dry clothes ^^ (never wear long jeans when it's pissing rain xPP).Checked in flight but was told cause i'm a UM I have to get my guardian to sign some stupid slip thing before I can collect my boarding pass thing, so I'll have to do that later today (omg, I almost said tomorrow. I don't think it's quite hit me yet that I'm leaving today. +_T)Then I went on a merry loop chase trying to buy all the last minute stuffs my ma gave me to buy, then I swung by my Ah Ma's house to pick up some foodstuff for my bro xPP then took the bus down to one of my aunt's place for dinner and to pick up more stuff to bring back for my ma. xPP Everything so heavy. xPGot back home and attempted to pack everythign into my luggage. Most of it fit (haven't shoved in a lot of the presents yet as they're not wrapped yet, so I have to go out in a min to go buy some wrapping paper so that I can wrap them up -_-) but because of all the food stuff, it's really heavy xP I don't know if it's over-weight yet. I'll have to check later. Also if it's too heavy, I'll have problems trying to get it off the conveyor belt. And you all know how I feel about that xPStupid stupid stupid.I've probably forgotten a lot of stuffs, but I can't really remember at the mo so you'll have to excuse me. xPWell, that's my update finished! Hehe. Finally ^^Didn't sleep much last night. Now a bit blur nd still kind of sleepy. =_="
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?8:15 am
♥Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Finally went to touch up my highlights today! ^^ *is feeling all happy and pretty right now* hehe. Went back to see Elain and she helped me to re-do the highlights - cept this time she chose a darker colour so they're not as obvious as the first time - but they won't fade as quickly hehe. =D They should go lighter and more obvious pretty quickly though, so it's ok ^^ She also trimmed my hair for me so now i'm feeling all happy happy happy ^^ (my hair was starting to do that flicky-fly-away puff thing it does awhile after a cut xPP... it's really annoying xP)There was also this guy (one of the hairdressers who kept staring at my hair and telling me I looked gorgeous! Hehe (see? can you see my swelled head now? ^_~)The woman who blow-dried my hair blow-dried it into a BOB. Seriously I almost hacked up a lung. Haha, do i seriously look like a bob kinda person?? Wahaha it was hilarious. Then Elaine saw it and actually laughed (hehe i like her xPP not that way idiots!) before using my favourite fudge matte hed and messing it all up. I felt much better after that ^^Hehe.On the way home, I almost slipped on a bit of pavement because it was too smooth and the grip on my slippers have completely worn away. xPIndulged in some embarassing hilarious flailiing around while I tried to gain my balance and avoid actually falling over. =_=" and finally came to a conclusion.I really need to get new slippers.xPP
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?1:25 pm
Oof what to say? I actually got out of the house today hehe. I went sailing with my cousin! Wow.. almost six months since the last time i attempted to sail sailed. The plan was to sail to Changi, grab lunch then sail back to Pasir Ris park. Sailing there was hell there was practically no wind at all (brings back nightmares of certain old sailing lessons with bean). It was sunny as hell and I could feel my skin burning (yeah, that's what you get for hiding indoors for 4 months xPP). It took us like almost 3 hours just to sail to Changi... halway there we switched and i basically just lay down at the front of the boat and conked out - i was tired i was hot and i was hungry xP. NOT a good combination lol. Woke up awhile later and realised that I the sun had got me real good. I was all browny and tanned. So tanned that chao da (han yu??). LOL.Ate really yummy da bao lunch on the beach then it was my turn to sail back. Wahaha, lucky me, by that time there were lots of rain clouds and a lot more wind hehe. We got back to Pasir Ris area in less than an hour - it's amazing to sail when there's wind and it's not so sunny it hurts ((: BUT near the end, when we were reaching the beach it started to get real windy and it got really hard to control the boat and prevent it from capsizing xPP. Finally got the boat onto the beach and by that time it was pouring lol. So we washed the boat in the rain haha. ^^ wotsa fun.Was leaving the ladies toilet after my shower when I saw this hilarious sign:CHECK, DID YOU LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND, DARLING?lmao. bloody hell i almost laughed my ass off hehe. sounds so perverted xPP. lol.Aniwae, after that I came back to get some stuff and stuffs then went out to meet Fiona at City Hall. Yay, i wore my new key necklace thing and it was all prettiful ^_~We ate at Mos Burger (again xPP) and bumped into Lydia and Jeremy haha (I always seem to bump into Jeremy lol, Bugis Street... Sim Lim... Mos Burger... *shakes head* lol). We spent a long time eating and talking , it was great to catch up. When we were finally done, we went shopping in Carrefour and I got my mutti's xmas pressie (finally! hehe). I also helped her shop for my bro ^^ hup he likes the presents lol.AND THE MOST AMAZING THING?.........*drum roll*.........hehe... i finally found a present for da! ^^ whee! yay! (AND i also know what I'm gonna get him for his birthday too hehe...) Ohh i feel good. LOL.On that happy note... I'm off to bed. I gotta be at Reds at 11am tmr xP (yes, that means I have to get up reasonably early lol).
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?12:28 am
♥Monday, December 11, 2006
Just came back from dinner at my Ah Ma's house. I swear to God, every monday when I go over for dinner, she tries to feed me to death. She definitely has some of the best cooking on whole of the East side. Hehe, still... what a way to go huh? ^_~Came back on my cuz's motorbike. Damn, i love bikes. Smooth sleek and slender... oh so sexay lol no i'm not a pervert wahaha. Nah, i love the feeling of the wind rushing through my clothes and on my skin. It's wild, it's fast and when you're on a bike, you really feel like you have all the freedom in the world. ^^ So addictive.Lol came home just in time for my crappy useless window-unit AC to blow up yet again lol and leak all over my printer, the floor and into my study table drawer. *headdesk* Stupid stupid stupid. Haiz... must fix again soon, but for now will just have to survive on the non-existent breeze outside and the ceiling fan. +_+ *getting ready to sweat* lol.I-Robot is on for the 5th time on star movies in like a week.Freaky lol.Haha text messages make me laugh lol.me: uhh wat ws tt hun?da: what was what?! *huh*me: wat u jst sent me lol da: eh... something nice? ...LOL. ^^
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:36 pm
It's all dark and cloudy outside. I can feel the wind blowing through the window.I can hear the sound of the rain.Why do i feel so oddly comforted?Have been just reading through other people's blogs and have been struck by the realisation that my life is very non-existent at the moment. Therefore I have to live vicariously through the lives of others ^_~. Hehe.
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?4:00 pm
00. Grab your phone.
*grabs phone*
01. What is the phone maker?
02. What's the last 4 digits of your mobile number?
03. What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?
=) hee u really do know how to put a smile on my face. *hugs* & muackz to u too! xP
O4. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?
05. Who's the last person you called?
06. Who was your last missed call from?
07. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?
Only have Da under 'D'
08. What does the last message in your inbox say?
Well at least u got me first! =p
09. Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J?
11. Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?
12. What does your welcome note say?
no welcome note )):
13. How many messages are currently in your inbox?
no idea... there's no counter =_="
14. What do you have as your background?
a heart drawn in the sand ^^
15. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?
16. Who's the 5th person under T?
I only have 3 ppl under T xP
17. How much credit do you have?
it's a contract line... unlimited credit haha
18. Who's the first person who comes up under C?
Calum! haha
19. How many bars of signal do you currently have?
7 haha... full! gorgeous 3G fone lol
20. What is the 7th message in your sent messages?
Yao dao zia liao le. Ni yao wo huay chi pang ni da bao huay ma? xP (<--sry if the han yu py is wrong btw xPP)
Silly survey! Lol.. can't believe I was outside buying food so late...xP haha or so early in the morning! LOL. stupid silly girl vivi xP
lol ^_~
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?2:25 am
♥Sunday, December 10, 2006
Hmm what to say? Quite a lot of stuffs has happened since my last post. Lessee, what did I last blog about? Oh yeah, going out with Rei on friday.
On sat Da said he's accompany me for more christmas shopping since i still hadn't finished buying everything for everyone xPP. We went shopping around Orchard area but somehow the mood was kind of wrong. We went Far East but i dunno, miscommunication and I thought that he was bored/annoyed with all the shopping and things got a little... uhm. how should i say it, pissy? Sort of. Lol.
Then walked to cineleisure so he could get some stuff for his sisters nd on the way he misunderstood what I said and i think got a little offended or whatnot with me which made me a bit pissed off. (See? the whole day was pretty much a disaster haha)
We got some MickeyDs for dinner and sat by the ngee ann city courtyard thing which would have actually been nice if we weren't both in our own little worlds at different times. xPP
After that I just kind of shut up cause, well, I just didn't feel like talking and making the night worse or anything. Also I was in a bad mood so I was worried if I opened my mouth, stuff would come out that I'd regret later.
I think I kind of upset/worried da tho, cause after I came out from the toilet he did this thing where he re-introduced himself to me then basically told me his life story and all of his deep dark secrets and stuff. I just listened to him silently, though i was still a little pissed off at him.
We talked till quite late (well he talked basically) and even after I finally got off the phone, I still didn't sleep, just surfed around on the net some more and watched some TV so when I had to get up pritty early the next day so that da could take me to sim lim square to buy an xmas pressie for my bro (ya i dun noe the way xPP) it was hell.
Woke up early when da messaged me xPP but fell back asleep once i replied haha... so I ended up late (as usual lol) +_+
Went Sim Lim, bought peanut a game for xmas (haha so what's new? LOL). I won't actualli say what it is since i have no idea whether or not he actually ever reads my blog - nd i don't wanna spoil the surprise... ^^
After sim lim we went Bugis Street and Edge. While at Bugis Junction realised that Deja Vu was showing. I saw trailers on tv nd it looked real good so we bought tix to go watch. It wasn't as gud as I thought it'd be, but it wasn't bad. After we went Far East again, but this time we were both in better moods and we'd cleared up some of the stupid mis-understandings etc etc etc so actually did some shopping ^^ (this time mostly for me with all my xmas money - haha presents from relatives!).
When Far East started closing we went Esplanade to sit on the rooftop nd finally took some fotos with Da! (yay!) Haha... da gave me his permission to emo-ify him haha so I got my trusty little eyeliner and kohl-d his eyes really darkly and smudgy. Looked real gudd haha but i think it scared him when he looked in the mirror! Hehe ^^ He was like "Oh sh*t!!" and kept gwaping at himself and repeating that phrase. lol.
I'm now going to stick in some of the photos we took on the rooftop at esplanade... don't laugh too much hehe... i think we look pretty pretty ^_~ keke...

Hehe... me nd Da at Esplanade before we went up to the rooftop! Wahaha i finaaly got travis on camera! ^_~
On the escalator! Hehe... the red walls remind me a bit of the walls in the lobby on the 3rd floor of RDI...
Da fiddling with his digi cam thingy (wehhh i miss my digi cam xP)...
Look! My leg and some of Esplanade rooftop ^^ pritty huh?
da da playing wit his tie! weeh! kinky s&m bugger ^_~... jks hun!
Emo-looking spaceboy!! ^^
Aw... lukin sad... +_T... hehe...

Lookit mt jeans! Waheyyyy... pritty ^^ hehe...
Then there was one part when he asked me to close my eyes and he felt around my face with his hands, like you know what those blind people do? Well it felt a bit odd at first so I foudn it a bit awkward but after awhile it felt kind of nice, still a bit odd but wierdly relaxing as well. I tried doing the same thing to him after but i think he didn't believe me when I said i shut my eyes (i did! xPP)
On the whole it was a way better day than the day before haha, bu-ut right before we left, there was another stupid incident thingy and well i don't know. he got all moody which made me moody but when he was suddenly over it and happy again, i was still moody because oh him. xP He spent quite awhile on the phone before giving up on trying to cheer me up lol.
I went to sleep after that.
Woke up this morning feeling better ^^ Went to meet my cousins Eva and Tiong Hu for lunch at Din Tai Fung (been awhile since i went to Tampines Mall lol... didn't seem as crowded to me after hanging around bugis street so much hehe!)
Now am back home, finally updating my blog =D
Well... update over ^^
if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?4:36 pm