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♥Saturday, April 07, 2007


yestd was good friday so public hols for most ppl, but sadly i had to work xP
in the morning, i woke up and felt a little sicker than the day before, but still went to work, cause hols = lots of ppl = lots of work = busy busy busy... =_="

oredi at 10am, wheni started work, the queue of ppl was almost constant and never ending... usually in the mornings, i'll wrap almost 4 crates of dry cakes and finish them before 12pm... but that morning i din't wrap a single dry cake. i only served customers at the counter and cleaned the trays and tongs super-fast... but evn that not fast enough cause before i can even finish cleaning them to put them back out, new customers have queued up oredi... that's how stressful it was, plus, in the mornings only 2 of us working... and serene was really busy displaying the cakes and serving customers who wanted cakes xP ><

really rush rush rush... then yay! at 1pm kelly, angel and wendy all came! waahhh! but still not much relief cause kelly immediately sent to sweep the floor, angel had to learn the new cakes that we were selling and wendy had to re-stock drinks... so me still on my own... abt half an hr later both angel and kelly finally came to help me.. yay yay yay! then a short while later... my lunch break!

me was feelin quite sick by that time. huge headache, sore throat, a bit of a fever... met dear for lunch, he bought me porridge :) yay... thanks :) and evn split them into 2 bowls so it'd cool quicker so i could eat it easier... he also bought me some sweet chinese medicine for sore throat and make me drink it, along with 2 sweets (also medicine type sweets) for me to eat during work if my throat got itchy again...

aftr lunch back to work... except the last 3 hrs really really hell. kelly disappeared to go cut the loaves of bread, wendy was busy putting out all the new freshly baked bread, restocking drinks and helping cutsomers, serene was manning the cake counter while me and angel both shuttled between serving customers and packing the freshly cut bread into neat nice-looking plastic covers xP lotsa work.

by the end of the day, i thot my head was a bt to split open, i felt really eally cold... had constant goosebumps evn tho angel kep complaining tht it was too hot and the ac wasnt working properly, my voice could barely come out - my throat was so sore - and i had to keep holding back my coughs or turning away to cough when it got too much... i felt really sick. luckily my supervisor realised and sort of let me off work omost 10 mins early tho i had to stay behind the counter till my time was up so that i got the full day's pay, cause if i left afetr she let me off, i'd be payed a whole hour short evn tho i was only let off work 10 mins early xP ><

felt really really sick... da sed we should take taxi hme so we did at outram park...

reached hme and i really felt bad... i slept in the taxi and felt liek i couldn't stand properly when i got out of the taxi and my head was really pounding. it hurt my throat to cough and every time i did so my head really hurt. while i was walking,if my steps were a bit too heavy, my head felt like it was going to burst open ><. da made me maggi mee with the chicken broth he brought and fed me while giving me cold wet towels to put on my forehead and neck. then when my aunt came home, she sort of had a mini-fit since i dint tell her i was sick and still went to work...

she gave me a sponge bath (so frickin cold!), medicine, turned on my ac, told dear to keep giving me wet towels for my forehead and neck then told me to tell her if it got any worse cause she and my uncle had to go out...

luckily i was feeling quite drowsy so i sort of kept slipping in and out of sleep xP until travis woke me up at around 11pm to let me know that he had to leave, after which i fell asleep completely till my aunt came hme and gave me some more meds to down.

then i woke up this morning and felt a whole lot better ^^... my throat's still a little sore and itchy but the headache's gone... just to be sure i ate another dose of that powdery minty chinese med, except today it seemed to taste a lot worse than before... xP

later i'll be going out with my cousins to go pray to our ancestors and hopefully meet dear after as well...

but yes, that's all! my last update for now is over! relieved? ^_~

that's all till next time xD~*

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?10:54 am

ok... 3rd update for the day... and still not yet done ><.. just hang in there! lol..

right... on wednesday, recieved my usual morning smses from dear getting ready to go to work as i was oso getting ready to go to work, but his replies were a lot slower than usual so i was really unusually sleepy on the train towards vivo xP

then at lunchtime, got a message from dear asking me to come to the kopitiam during my lunch break and to call him... i walked into the kopitiam just as he said "can you see the guy waving his arms?" heeh! turns out that that day he had compulsory leave frm work and he came to surprise me ^^ he told me he meant to da bao indonesian grilled chicken rice (yes, the one i'd been craving for 2 weeks) but he thot i sed they had it at vivo, so he didn't go to PS to buy... so insted i had nasi lemak frm toastbox, only that day no egg... so sad xP

30 mins of relaxing with dear before i had to go back to work lol...

then at 5pm (my off time), he came again to pick me up and this time guess wat? he had my craving all wrapped up in his sweater tied like a small lunch box lol! a jap bento he said...

then went back to my place where we had a great time ^_~ before eating the amazingly delicious indonesian grilled chicken rice! must be one of my favourite dishes ever.. esp with extra curry! yum yum yum!!!

Then thursday... that day was kelly's off day, so felt a lil sad at work, plus the general manager came down (and i din't evn kno it was the GM lol!) so everything seemed really really stressfull. He kept on telling off staff and ordering ppl around, so everything seemed really hectic and stressed. no talking, rushing to do everything faster and more efficiently than usual... while he watches and observes, looking unhappy. stress stress STRESS!

my lunch break omost an hour later than usual, plus only had 10 mins insted of my usual 30 mins so really had to rush to stuff down the food... xP

I was feeling a bit sick that day too... a little cough and a bit of a headache, but meeting dear after work to watch the movie, Sunshine at 6:30 at vivo, so felt a little cheered up...

Ended work omost half and hr late as well =_=" then received a call frm ria as i was changing! guess wat? she was at vivo! so went to meet up with her, ended up in a merry chase arnd vivo as we couldn't find one another until finally met up, and... she was with weiren! lol they came meaning to visit me at my workplace, but i just left to get changed out of my uniform haha... yes yes yes! lucky they dint see me in my uniform lol...

so we hung out for awhile then sasi called, also wanting to hang out so asked her to come to vivo meet up wit ria and weiren since i had to go watch movie wit dear...

withdrew the money i owed dear (thanks for paying for me first ^^) then went down to koptiam to eat, where we bumped into Musa! lol... wahh wat a day lol... then sasi came just as i was leaving to go meet da (who was alredy at the cinema there =O) then had to rush cause going to be late...

When i met up with dear, i thot he was mad.. his face looked so angry... a girl nearby was staring at him then at me... i think she thot i was gonna get into trouble with him cause she gave me a sympathetic sort of look xP i thot i was gonna get into trouble ><>

turns out he wasn't at all, just his facail expression looked really angry xP

went to watch the movie Sunshine, which wasn't as good as i thot it'd be... then went hme.

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?10:19 am

Yet another update for today...

This one's just a very short update... one that i usually wouldn't really update about since it happened quite a few days ago and i still have quite a lot of catch up on, except it's kinda important, so here you go...


hehe... rmb the sparklers i mentioned in the post that has a lot of missing piccys in it? well since that time the weather wasn't really great, we couldn't play with the sparklers... but another day (yes, i'm sorry i can't rmb which day it was now... but it was definitely a really important day for more than jst one reason ^_~) but we finally got a chance to play with the sparklers cause dear came over and in the evening we walked out to white sands just to get ben and jerry's ice cream (2 scoops; 1 chunky monkey and one irish cream smth -which i can't rmb the exact name of xP- in a huge waffle cone... yum!) we lit 2 sparklers each, walking in the dark pathway lined by all the really tall trees by the park...

Gosh... it was beautiful! really very very nice... i was actually a bit apprehensive of the sparklers cause whenevere they're lit up, because they crackle a lot, i was worried that it'd hurt to hold them cause sometimes it looks like the sparks will touch your hand... we chose the box of green sparklers (each box has 6) so we lit a total of 4 walking towards white sands, and the last 2 on the way back after eating the ice cream (if i'm not wrong... sorry my memory's a bit fuzzy xP)

so so nice... the sparklers were really gorgeous and even though they look like they'll hurt you to hold them, they don't actually ^^

so i was afraid for nothing hehe... ><
That was a really great day!

And my first time playing with sparklers! Among other stuff...

thanks for everything dear, really, thanks for everything!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?10:08 am

On Thursday the 29th of March (lol sounds so formal huh?) i gave dear a surprise lol!

hahas... i told da that i was going to meet a friend of mine near city hall area after work that day so i wouldn't be able to meet him...

...yes, you guessed it - totally not true lol! it was a lie from the beginning cause i was planning on surprising him for once since he alwais surprises me with lots of stuffs. the only thing i was worried about was i was let out of work late, so i was afraid that by the time i reach city hall and try to find him at his workplace, he'd already be gone, thinking that i was going to meet sumbody else.

luckily he told me that he was still at marina sq, looking around for mp3 players and checking out how much it would cost to repair the Creative mp3 he has now... but by the time i reached there, he'd oredi moved on to the arcade! grr...

still, i managed to find him, only to receive an sms from anothr one of my frens who i was supposed to meet quickly only to exchange smth, so had to rush down to the city link. there, i smsed da and asked him to come down and meet me at 'our' bench lol (the one in front of the stairs tht lead to the entrance towards marina sq from the city link... 'ours' cause we use it to meet each othr a lot lol!)

when he came,i gave him a letter i wrote, which actually explains that it was all a lie jst so that i could surprise him! hehe u should have seen his face! so cute lol! he was so surprised! wahaha! lol...

i know that he's alwais wanted me to ask him out on a date, so in the letter i asked him out, the only thing was that i had plans to write up my jap notes, so i actually asked him if he didn't mind acc me back to my place to just hang out and so i could oso write up my notes ^^

(he sed yes btw ><>

then back at my place, for some reason we ended up listening to songs and ended up sort of jst slow dancing tgt in the dark to some really nice songs ^^ it felt really relaxing dancing like that (:

then my lil m.t gave me a massage ("to destress" he said! hehe..)

then as he was about to leave, he gave me his usual kiss, but then it was suddenly like he couldn't stop giving me little kisses, and he kept saying "so cute! so cute!" in between them... lol it really confused me xP ><><

thanks ya ^^

couldn't stop smiling that day...

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?9:52 am


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