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♥Saturday, June 23, 2007


hubby came over as planned and yep! he managed to help me iron out the kinks in the html codes so my new blog is officially open and ready for use xDD -- thank u baby! -- so yep...

MOVED (earlier than expected) to http://shutyourprettiemouth.blogspot.com !!!

don't forget me ya? ^_~
bit sad that this blog didn't evn last me half a yr but heeh... i love my new one!
ta to my faithful messyblackpenthouse ^^Y

this is me saying gudbye!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?12:37 am

♥Friday, June 22, 2007

in the spirit of deciding to change a bit after smth that dear dear pointed out to me (in a very neccessarily harsh tone xPP) i am actually making a new blog -- yes that does mean that hopefully in a few post's time there'll be a notice saying that my blog has moved!

so yippity yay!

ah. back to wat i was saying. unfortunately though, i've found the perfect skin for my new blog (status: still in the making) however. that particular user who created the skin didn't do the codes properly so i can't generate the skin. it's frustrating as i've been trying to find the faulty bits and correct them since last night still to no use. xPP

luckily hubby's coming over later, so i'm going to get him to have a go at it (God knows he's a lot better at html computer stuff than I am =D), hopefully he can fix the hiccups.

that's all for now! be back latr... *loves!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?12:24 pm

♥Thursday, June 21, 2007


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?2:56 pm

yestd was dear and i's fourth mnth anni... this mnth's celebrations weren't that great tho, sadly. the bag i really wanted to buy wasn't there anymore (it took almost a year to find it somemore... so sad sia...), also was almost killed by stupid bus driver who overshot our stop then jammed the breaks jst as i was halfway down the steps when dear pressed the button once more... i was like piang... really short dress and high heels didn't make it any better when the double decker suddenly lurched to a stop jst as i was taking a step down. i thot i twisted my ankle it hurt so much. good lord.

it was a rather bad night for me. xPP this past 2 weeks my emotions have been constantly up and down and i felt so frustrated tht i was like tearing up last night in the carpark on the way hme. finally jst stopped and sat down on the curb and cried like a baby lol. then dear pointed out smth very important to me which i guess kinda forced me to change the way i think, so thanks.

still, i'm sorry that our fourth month was such a disaster. on the plus side tho, we took some really cute neoprints (evn tho i thot it was actually gonna be a disaster like our second month lol!) and had a great time chilling at the cheesecake cafe -- which was actually open!

when i reached hme last night i jst sat and cried and got all the pent up emotions out of my system (detox haha!) then i cleaned up my very messy room, did 2 loads of laundry and went to sleep with 2 hrs left before i was supposed to wake up to go to work. jst when i woke up i felt so used up, wrung out and tired i wouldn't have been any use so i called in sick and took the day off. so sian sia...

now it's so hot even with the windows open and the fan on full so i'm going to close the window, turn on the ac and jst relax till i go out later.

and get smth to eat. my stomach is most definitely protesting. xP

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?12:30 pm

♥Sunday, June 17, 2007

Yestd was Popa's bday! Happy bday Popa! I called him yestd and it made me really happy and really sad at the same time... Happy cause talkin to him makes me happy and all warm inside, but sad cause I really miss him. Luckily, my internal dilemma is solved (or put off for the moment), cause I'll be seeing him soon!

Anyway, I'm glad he had a great day... I've now got 2 more "sponsorships" for the great singapore sale! Hehe anybody else want to sponsor me? Come on people, with the upcoming GST hike - it's now or never! ^_~ lol... and you all know you love me hehe!

Apart from calling hme, yestd dear and I cycled to the pasar malan near Pasir Ris station! Haha I've now perfected the art of sitting (kind of) comfortably on the metal bar of the bike sandwiched between dear and the bicycle handles! lol... we had lots of fun walking around the pasar malan - brought back lots of fond memeories from when i was a child and adored all the colourfl cheap clothes, bright lights and music hehe... I've found my innder child once more! We bought a few things (mainly food: yummy honey glazed pepper sprinkled chicken wings on sticks and a ramly burger for dear along with sweet coconut drinks - my fave!) that included a cute snoopy bottle of bubbles which we then proceeded to enjoy blowing bubbles while riding the bike back! It's been a long time since I played with bubbles... oh how i missed them! Thx dear for buyign them for me! Felt really super happy yestd...

Later we'll be going back to the pasar malan to buy potted plants for the house (haha must make the house all nice before my parents come back! ^_~) hehe. And now dear's reached my house, he's waiting outside my door so, duty calls!

Hehe... more updates when there are!

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?10:30 am

Wekekes... And i'm back!

Last thursday was dear's graduation from Ngee Ann Poly. He's now officially an Aerospace Tech diplom graduate. Hehe sounds so old doesn't it? Me on the other hand, will only start my diploma course at LaSalle in August, Years apart huh? 3 years to be exact. That's a bigger age difference than the 2 year gap between me nd my younger brother xP. Sometimes I wonder how it works cause frankly I couldn't imagine dating someone 3 years younger than me. Which is wierd since I'm 17 this year and my boyfriend is 20. But hey, it works (apart from the often occiasional fight and/or misunderstanding xPP) so I'm not complaining..

Speaking of birthdays... I can't believe mine is coming up in less than a month! 13th of July (yep yep me = a friday 13th child lol) so I'm excited excited excited! Hehe! Esp since my family's coming back on the 28th so they'll be here for my bday! ^^y yay... Cause I miss em xP

Anyway, back to the dear's graduation. I actually got compulsory leave from my supervisor cause she thought I was overworked and needed a break but cause I thought he didn't want me to attend the ceremony and I didn't want to just hang around with nth to do the whole day, I actually went back to work! Lol... turned out it was yet another misundertsanding between us cause he actually wanted me to go. But after the ceremony he came down to vivo with his robe so that we could take piccys tgt which was sweet. Luckily his ex-colleague Kien Te was at vivo too so she helped us become our private photographer and took lots and lots of photos (wow, that girl really likes to snap shots lol), but really, thanks! Lot of fun pictures!

I'm stopping work at Breadtalk soon (the 29th to be exact) so if you wanna make a last visit - do it quick! Hehe... I'll be taking leave on the 28th to pick up my family from the airport though... I can't wait!

*counting down the days...

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?10:12 am

♥Saturday, June 02, 2007

how do i keep forgetting to update? i swear, i'm gonna make this a more frequent orrurence (is that a word? xP) like an every day thing - or an almost everyday thing - yep, gonna make it happen. yep. =D

Ok... in my last update, i mentioned looking for a new bikini? well i found it! hehe.. it's bright blue with tiny white polka dots and a ribbon type thing on the bikini top. i got it from Miss Selfrigde... like all pretty bright bikinis that i fall in love with, it burned a huge hole in my pocket =_="

Also caught Pirates of the Caribbean 3... which was long but very good (not like Spiderman 3 xPPP). Yestd i watched Shrek 3 (wow... lookit all the 3s floating arnd!) which was so very cute! i loved the little half donkey-half dragons! hehe... so sweet!

Da nd i hung out enjoying indonesian grilled chicken rice at the void deck of my house listening to music frm my moby nd jst chatting till almost 2am... it was brilliant (:

hmmm wat else? day before yestd it was a public holiday so work was busy busy B.U.S.Y! xS so busy... then yestd oredi school holidays so even more people and a lot of working people taking off days so that they get a 4 day weekend... work work work rush rush rush... chiong here chiong there. =_="

... was supposed to sleep in today since i slept so late last night but no idea why i woke up at 8+am and yep u guessed it, i can't get back to slp agn =( so here i am. for everyone who reads this btw... i have a new email now


yeppity yep.
i have no idea what to say now haha so yap... signing off now (:

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?8:49 am

♥Tuesday, May 22, 2007

i have a cold.

lol. i swear, everyone at breadtalk gets ill from one another xP last week pretty much all of the bakers were ill and this week, 3 out of 5 of us cashiers are sick sick sick along with a couple of the guys from toast box.

being ill sucks. i shall refrain from posting about how much my head hurts, my nose is blocked, the skin around my nose is really sore from being rubbed by tissue so much, my throat feels icky and i feel like i'm a bout to have a fever... see? i refrained (well at least put a line thru it hehe ^^)

i wanted to upl some recent piccys which i actually look half decent in but my nokia pc suite thing is being a bitch nd refusing to let me evn transfer the images out of my phone.

ooh. i just heard a couple of motorbikes speeding really loudly outside. wat r they doing zipping about so late in crappy small roads? =_="

i just realised that the day that da nd i celebrated our 3 mnth anni, it was my ex's bday. wierd huh? anyway, we went to sentosa where i thought i was gonna burn to a crisp. made home made chocolate muffin type things together to bring for a picnic on the beach even though we ended up with not enough paper cups (the muffin type - i can't rmb the name) so i had to add extra to all the muffins so they ended up as gigantic misshappen bulbous creations whcih dint look that appetizing lol. luckily dear liked them. on the plus side, i got to buy a nice new bikini for our little excursion^^ (you all know my obsession with bikinis xD)

i wonder how long it's going to be till my next update? lol as you can tell, i'm not a very consistent person hehe.

i have to work OT tmr. i'm working a full day shift till 8pm and even later if yi yi can't make it back early from her grad. ceremony. xS i never thought i'd say this but i wish wendy would come back from visiting her boyfriend faster. i have no idea how i'm gonna last thru the day tmr haha... but wish me luck anyway! ^^

piccys when the stupid thing will load lol.

ps: i've falled in love with kelly clarkson's "never again" ^^D *gay smile inserted here*

I hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green hilarious lol.

Does it hurt to know
I'll never be there for you
Bet it sucks, seeing my face everywhere
It was you, who just ended like you did
I was the last to know you knew
Exactly what you would do

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?11:34 pm

♥Tuesday, May 08, 2007

have you noticed how all of my posts generally seem to start with something along the vein of "wow it's been quite awhile since my last update huh?" lol well i've finally gotten tired of it, so you're saved from that cliched line for today's entry.

can't believe i'm updating my blog at almost 2am. and that i have to wake in less than 5 hours to get ready for work. man, sometimes life really sucks lol.

my life's been more on the sucky side lately. remember that day when i said that i watched care bears and hoped that my day would go better than it did the day before (yah, it's my last entry xP) well it didn't. it went fucking horribly. my phone was stolen at my workplace.

yep. stolen.

noe what that means?

i lost:

a) all my recent photos
b) all the smses that i saved

my lappy recently got problems - she doesn't like me much xP - nd so my lao po had been being really stubborn about not letting me back up my phone. then it got stolen. and now everything is lost.

my new girlfriend (n73 music ed.) is now my precious baobei xP got black tinted hard plastic casing + furry gothy purple sparkly-spider-web pouch and 2 accessories from my darling dear dear who went to go play di-kam (sp?) to get them for me to replace the ones that were on my fone when it was stolen (grr). i love her. very much, i do. i'd better - she was darn expensive lol!

also my email recently been having problems. people not receiving the replies i sent to them. yep, i think a new account is in order. just having to inform everyone and updating my fossilized friends list is a bitch. =_="

lol that's my life - everything's broken or has problems haha. i'd write a list of everything broken or not working except then i think i'd suffer from severe finger cramp. and i'm not earning enough money to foot the bill for expensive corrective surgery ^_~

been thinking lately (yeah, that's nevr a good idea, i noe xP). i've made a lot of mistakes. i wish i could take back a lot of things. i regret quite a good number of things (even though i alwais said i don't believe in regrets) and i wish i could go back and redo a lot of things. some things in particular more than others.

i feel like i rushed some things. and now there's no way to take it back. to make it feel right again.
i noe i've neglected some people (i'm so sorry).
just sometimes, it seems easier to distance yourself from those who mean well and who care cause sometimes you're ashamed to tell the truth and you're tired of lying.

it's funny how sometimes the time you spent with just one person can be so short, but you just can't seem to forget them.

(btw sorry if this sounds emo and depressed. i'm not, *promise* just am in a thoughtful mood. and well, i've been neglecting my blog lately, so this is my attempt to make up for it ^_~)

on a happier note though, my xiao kai is coming back tmr ^^ along with my crazy jie jie and yi yi. ...and hui fen, li ming, su ling (!!!), donna, sweet rosalie ^_^ i don't think ah wen will be back so soon tho xP miss him and his stupid teasing. i can't believe he met his lao po at breadtalk. perhaps there's still hope for me still...

....jokes! ^_~

I can't stop the river from running
I can't stop the rain from falling down on me
And the record keeps playing
The same old song

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?1:49 am

♥Monday, April 30, 2007

had a rather great rubbish day yesterday.

seeing da
+receiving his belated anni pressie for me (nice star-shaped glass thing with 2 notes, hand folded "beating hearts", a hand folded lily nd a hand folded crane)
+giving him my belated anni pressie to him (mini snow globe with tiny folded up hearts, "i love you"s and "vis+viv"s in the compartment area underneath)
+watching Miami Ink

= great

feeling sick
+ not being able to eat dinner cause was feeling sick
+ throwing up and worshipping the porcelain bowl (which actually my toilets are not)
+ not being able to sleep
+ finally sleeping at 1+am only to wake up at 3+am cause of freakin itchy mozzy bites and moving to my mutti's room and not being able to slp till it was almost 5+am then waking at 6am only to slp till 7:15am when i had to wake up for work

= rubbish

hope today goes better than yestd ><

was watching care bears this morning as i was getting ready for work. i couldn't stop laughing.


if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?8:15 am

♥Sunday, April 29, 2007

it has been quite awhile since my last post hasn't it?
lots of stuffs has happened and all that but i'm not sure if i'm going to blog about all of them. (especially since my memory is that of a seventy-year old grandmother's ><) but the main gist of it was 5th mnth friendship with da and oour 2nd mnth anni tgt... also sometime inbetween my last entry and this one i kinda had a low low *low* dip in my mood xP i felt inexplicably depressed and alone. and really really homesick even though i've been living in singapore without my family and friends for 8 months now.

i'd lost contact with everybody from back home and sometimes it'd be almost a month before i'd talk to my family on the phone. but somehow or other i can't rmb how but gayle got me to talk to her and i guess it all spilt out. thanks so much half, it really helped knowing that you were there for me to listen to me and give me advice and comfort and reassurance when i really needed it. (also sorry for all those crazy long emails about me whinging on about my life and full of my paralyzing self doubts and insecurities. xP) and then today when i finally opened up my blog page and i saw bean's comment in my cbox, well it also made me feel better cause it reminded me that some people still care. so thanks ^^

alright... i don't rmb much about our anni and our FD celebration cause it was quite awhile ago and plus they're right after one another so everything's a bit blurry. i do know tho that dear got me a cup just liek the one i got him from precious thots except instead of a monkey and orangey yellow colours it had a kitty on it and it was in green! purrr! very cute :) we were both broke (ya me outta money for the time being cause had to buy paints for my ma's room, paid for my killer boots (yay yay yay! i have piccys ^_~ xD) bought dear his anni pressie along with next month's anni pressie (a lava lamp we chose tgt) cause it was on sale and far more affordable than usual ^_~. i also bought cards to send to my family... ex ex ex... but evn tho the celebration was simple, it was still enjoyable and we had a gud tym tgt ^^

yestd my mutti gave me money to go underwear shopping (uck i can't believe i haven't bought new bras and knickers since about a yr ago xP) so dear and i went out nearby to go lingerie shopping at Isetan in Tampines Mall nd Triumph at White Sands. tried a lotta stuffs, bought a few within my budget (who knew that underwear was so expensive? lol almost $60+ for one measly bra xP) thought i have to admit they do look nice xP

haha felt a bit sorry for dear though who had to accompany me into the bra shops and stuff xP not sure if it made him uncomfortable but thanks babe. then we bought food for lunch and dinner and went to rent a movie (our original plan for going out). we rented The Covenant - a movie i wanted to catch at the cinema but one that my freinds who watched it said it wasn't worth watching as it was just full of four hot guys and lots of male testosterone everywhere haha but it turned out to be a pretty good movie. ^^ i really liked it and the four "hot" males did make it nice for some eye-candy though i only really liked one of them -- Toby Hemingway. gosh... i've fallen in love with toby hemingway ><>

well that's all i have to say for the moment really... my ac's broken and it's really irritating me cause it's bloody hot and my fan dusn't really work. ><

if love was just a dream... would you want to wake up?1:00 pm


AKA [ vivi ]
[ 6 teen ]
Take My Quiz!
I am worth $2,735,330 :D

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[ *dislikes: ] papercuts || injections || needles || syrup anitbiotics || overly feminine girls || spineless people || frills || old lace || pearls || liars || cheaters || back-stabbers || plastics || cockroaches || bees || wasps || insects || mosquito bites in uncomfortable places || bowling ||

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*Carrie II
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*Zhong Ren



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